Himalayan Perceptions: Environmental Change and the Well-being of Mountain Peoples

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Himalayan Perceptions: Environmental Change and the Well-being of Mountain Peoples

Environmental Change


Himalayan Journal of Sciences has recently released this limited edition of Jack Ives’ Himalayan Perceptions, an extremely important update of his seminal Himalayan Dilemma. The new edition of Himalayan Perceptions is an authorized republication of the complete text, printed on higher quality paper than the original, with new 12 pages of color plates and color dust jacket. At 5, our price is less than one-third of the original version, which is still being sold for 60. Please note: regardless of what it says elsewhere on this page, we can supply any number of copies.

Jack Ives is by far the foremost authority on mountains in general, and on the Himalayas in particular. He was the major force behind Chapter 13 (“Sustainable Mountain Development”) of Agenda 21, the declaration of the 1992 UNCED (aka the Rio Summit). On the occasion of the International Year of Mountains (2002), Ives was the UN’s chief spokesperson. Himalayan Dilemma: Reconciling Development and Conservation (1989), which Ives co-authored with Bruno Messerli, is a classic, cited in virtually every serious publication on the Himalayas. Ives’ honors include two lifetime achievement awards from the American Association of Geographers, the King Albert I Medal, and the Patron’s Medal of the Royal Geographical Society (bestowed by HM Queen Elizabeth).

Himalayan Perceptions is an update of Himalayan Dilemma. This is not a romantic travelogue or a generalist’s introduction — it is an incisive and often withering account of the delusions and deceptions that have hobbled development efforts in the most dramatic and dynamic region of the world. It should be required reading for all students of the Himalayas, not to mention development planners.

Sadly, this book has been priced out of the reach of those who most need it. The good news is that the second edition, enhanced with color photographs and superior layout and paper, is finally available directly from Himalayan Journal of Sciences […] .

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