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- Pages: 89
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Politics and mobilization seems to be unified words because one is a pre-requisite to achieving the other’s aim. What make these unified words to come into commonness and play for the purpose of achieving the aim for another is no other tools than communication. Therefore it is imperative to know what communication is and the role it plays in mobilizing through radio in politics.
Communication in a lay man understanding means the process of disseminating or sharing information, ideas thoughts as well as meaningful message and belief between one or more persons. The word communication comes from the Latin “communicate” meaning “to make common”.
Scholars in the field of communication such as (Nkereuwem 1998), sees communication in his own horizon as a process through which needs, emotions, desires, goals and sentiments are expressed among human beings using codes, symbols and language understood by parties involved in the process.
Hence, the light of the above definition it could be noted that communication is essential for human existence. When one, intends to share meaning among varied audience, there exists ways through which such is possible and that is no others way than the mass medium.
Therefore, mass communication involves the use of mechanical devices to transmit message through an impersonal medium to a mass media audience at different locations and at the same time mass media message are unique and also made possible through certain elements embedded in the medium. These elements include the fidelity of the message, timeliness, velocity, simultaneously and impersonal nature of the medium.
Radio is a vital force for social change through public enlightenment. If exist because people must communicate with one another. Communication is the activity by which people pursue the exchange of idea – and exchange that we pursue continuously through our lives. Basically, this exchange is an effort to influence the situations around us. In the light of the above, the background of the study is designed to study the role, which the radio as a medium of exchange plays in mobilizing women into politics in Nigeria. by the 1930s radio has assumed the role in politics that television has today. Radio an its Role in politics radio remained a major contender with television because of it convenience. Most large cities in Nigeria have at least one station that only broadcast news and public affairs. Many stations serve the preferences of African, American, latino, or other minority audiences.
Similarly, the new approach life after the advent of television the 1990s saw the emergence of a series of conservative talk shows, such as political mobilizing programmes on the radio to enlighten the masses mostly women since women are mostly seen in the political arena as far as campaign and mobilization is common. And above all, Radio’s potential political influence was felt almost immediately.
In a developing country like Nigeria, it can be argued that the main function of politics mobilization is to prepare the grassroot electorate as well enlightening women on their right of choosing their choice at pools. Also the radio has a greater role to play in mobilizing the women for politics and also for the labour market and the seriousness of the problems politics faced are naturally greater. Because some women in some rural areas are sometimes unware of the importance and effect of political mobilization programmes on Radio and Television stations (Gamble 1999-208).
The compulsory or continuous effect put together by radio stations AKBC precisely in aiming political mobilizing programmes has made it necessary for women to participant is in Radio and Television mobilizing campaign in politics because such programmes are intended to expose the electorates on their choice of choosing their right leader at the pool and also to broader prospective and fields of choices both for opinion leadership and in mobilizing campaigns purposes.
The primary responsibility of the AKBC radio is to provide information on ways and channels as well as information on how to make choice of leaders to women who intends to go into politics as well as those already in the game. It stress at all times to reader independents and impartial radio broadcasting services that gives adequate projection to the culture, characteristics and thinking of the government and people of Akwa Ibom State.
Therefore, inline with the role of been radio in mobilizing women into politics, meaningful. Programmes has been aired on radio station for years to streamline the operation principles in their involvement in the game of politics so as to avoid wrong choices by the electorate in deciding their leaders. Also to guide against enticement from aspirants at campaigns with their false propaganda and unfulfilled manifestos.
Hence, to seek a lasting solution to this difficult engagement, this study therefore sought to investigate the role AKBC Radio in mobilizing women into politics in Nigeria.
Mobilization is an enlightenment organisation for particular groups of people or organisation with the aim to create awareness or correct on hindering issues and as well seeks solutions to it. It is so obvious to say that the game of politics is a things of all and so therefore should be taken cognizance of as pertain to mobilizing women into it. The radio as medium of enlightenment in this prospect has a greater role to play as such or organize political mobilizing programmes on radio to enlighten the grassroots. Mostly women on the principles surrounding the game.
Over the years. It has been observed that the grassroot electorates mostly women are not expose to the game of politics, that is, they are not politically oriented to this end, their involvement in politics becomes “do as I say” policy.
Also women has been discovered to have a freewill conscience donation when it comes to politics this make aspirants to easily make companion with women mostly those in the rural areas as they are easily compelled and enticed with gifts and money, thereby making wrong choices at pool.
These problems seems to be weakening the nations political system as politics is conformed and declared “a game” in which a winner who survives takes it all. It is against this background that the study become imperative to ascertain the effectiveness of AKBC radio as a tool in mobilizing women of Ibiono Ibom Local Government area into politics.
This research work is based on the following objectives.
1. To ascertain how women in Ibiono perceive political programmes on AKBC radio
2. To ascertain the political programmes most preferred on AKBC radio by Ibiono women
3. To find out the extent to which political programmes influenced Ibiono women.
1. What is the perception of women in ibiono on political programmes?
2. What political programmes on AKBC radio is most prefer by Ibiono women.
3. To what extent do AKBC radio political programmes influence Ibiono Ibom women into politics.
This study is on the role of AKBC radio, in mobilizing women into political women.
The challenge encountered in the course of this work was the level of illiteracy of women in understanding and filting its constructed question to enhance a smooth success in this research work.
The result yield by this work will go a long way to solving political issues surrounding campaign mobilization such which is political unawareness as no choosing the right leader by the grassroot electorate mostly women in rural political settings.
Also opinion leaders will find this work to be an effective working tools in mobilizing women into politics as such not be victims of politics as such not be victims of political errand servants or subject to enticement from aspirants of campaigns.
Finally, this research work will help media houses in setting out plans, strategies as well as organize political mobilization and programmes to enlighten and mobilize the electorate especially women into political games since these seems to be the calibre of persons mostly seen in their involvement in politics.
1. Ibiono Ibom: It is one of the local government in Akwa Ibom State. And it is where the women used for the study were found.
2. Impact: The power to cause another to change.
3. Mobilization: This is when the Ibiono Ibom women are brought to a state of readiness for political activities.
4. Politics: Activities or an effort put by individual or groups in chosing their leader.
5. Political Programmes: Those programmes that discuss politics on AKBC radio.
6. Women: These are female adults living in Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area and are involved in politics.