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1.1 Introduction
An overview of the object-oriented multimedia a conventional starting point is the notion of media of artifacts. Here the form media is used in the sources of materials and forms of expression. This includes both natural media, such as inks and paints, and digital media made possible by computer technology. The later either mimic natural media, as is the case with drawing and paint programs, or have no natural counterparts. Those things produced by working in or with a particular medium are what e call media artifacts.
The notion of media artifacts leads to a natural definition for multimedia. We consider multimedia to be broadly concerned with creation, composition, presentation, recording, editing and in general, manipulation, of artifacts from duress media, since multimedia is so free in style, and immense variety of techniques, and combinations of techniques, are available to the user. This is reflected in the wealth of media manipulations, composition and transformational capabilities package in multimedia authority tools.
A multimedia production, whether a video game, a multimedia encyclopedia or a “location based entertainment environment” often require the concerted effort of large teams of people. Like film and video production, multimedia calls upon the talents of artists, actors, musicians, script writers, editors and directors. These people for responsible “constant design” to use current terminology create raw material and prepare it for presentation and interaction. In doing so they rely on multimedia authority environments to edict and compose digital media.
Multimedia programming is based on the manipulation of media artifacts through software. One of the most important consequences arising from the digitalization of media is the artifacts are released from the confines of studies and measured and can be bought in the realm of software.
In a world ravaged by various economic, radial, religious and cultural duration, health remains the most important. Health according to oxford advance learner dictionary (1998:671) is the state of being well and free from illness in the body or mind.
Unfortunately, this notion had been attired by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. It has steadily and stunning affected different lives by its destruction. HIV has been described as a specialized parasite of and usually cunning kind. Microbiologist understood too well how the virus uses the human body’s own defenses as its mechanism for reproduction.
Commenting on this, Kalu (1991:1) observe that aids is a progressive, degenerative disease of several major organ of the human system including the immune system and central venous system. Death often result from a variety of reasons such as infectious that occur once the immune system fails, destruction of the brain, wasting of the body or from cancer that frequently appears in Aids patients.
Since 1986, when the first AIDS cases were reported in Nigeria, the dramatic spread of the disease in the country in recent years pointed to an unprecedented health crisis of serious magnitude and severity.
In Nigeria, the highest HIV prevalence can be found among young adults between 25-29 years with an average of 6.5% follow closely by teenagers between 15-19 years with an average of 61%. The youth, the future of Nigeria are the world affected group (UNAIDS, 1999). In other words, scholars have argued that prevention is the only cure that AIDS has. These calls for effective strategies organized by the media to counter the rapidity of the spread of AIDS.
The use of multimedia calls for a paraphernalia of activities which offers potent approach towards effective HIV/AIDS campaign in Yakkur metropolis. These include the use of digitalized advertisements on billboards, banners, handbills, magazines etc. others include radio, television, seminar and workshops, C.D formats, Audio networking etc.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
HIV/AIDS is a threat to humanity. It equally leads untimely death. This is disease is a serious concern throughout the whole world. The role of the multimedia (mass media) in any society goes beyond the ordinary act of information dissemination but that of moral values and shaping opinions and interpretation of new event.
The question arises as to whether the multimedia networks have been able to effectively convey information to the members of the society to ravage our society in a bid to curb this ugly menace that is about to ravage our society.
There might be abundance of health messages on aids containing the masses on behavioral change but these have not totally stopped the rising profile of the menace. These raise more doubt as to whether the multimedia has generated significant impact in creating awareness.