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- Pages: 89
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- Chapters: 1-5
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The study was carried out to determine the importance of classroom management and control in some selected secondary school in Oredo local government area of Edo state. To achieve these set goals, the researcher carried out investigation by designing interview from the principal. Data collected from the interview where carefully study. The study will find out the impact of classroom management and control in some selected secondary school education. Summary, conclusion and recommendation would be made on how effect of classroom has contributed in the development of various aspect of secondary education in south to attain good standard in south-south local government area of Edo state.
Chapter One
Background of the study
Statement of the problems
Purpose of study
Significance of the study
Hypothesis of the study
Scope of study
Limitations of the study
Definition of terms
Chapter Two
Literature Review
Chapter Three
Source of data
Population of the study
Research instrument
Techniques of data analysis
Chapter Four
Presentation and Analysis of Data/Discussion
Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
The idea behind classroom management in school is not to put across a single point of view about the definition but to bring together contrasting opinion and attitude so that the readers can be given the ground work on which to base his own conclusion of management. In the classroom and school premises and the development of good relationship.
Manus (1989) sensibly pointed out four rules of classroom management and these four roles can be applied in the classroom / they are;
Rule one:-
Get them in; the process of getting them in can be seen to involve three phase i.e. greeting, seating and starting
Rule two
Get them out; here the teacher needs to consider how phases of concluding a lesson on and dismissing a class.
Rule three
Get on with it; this referred to the main part of the lesson. The nature of its content and the manner of its presentation.
Rule four:
Get on with them; here the teachers develop good personal relationship with their pupils by fostering mutual, trust and respect to do this effectively the teachers need to be aware of each child as an individual and be sensitive to the mood of the class as a whole. This means knowing whose Looniz (1980) and Resser (1983) defined classroom management as an action that is intended to create effective working environment, which is stimulating all it members. He also went further to say that classroom management is the ability of the teacher to coordinate effective teaching and learning in the classroom, in other words classroom management is the ability for teacher to manage both men and material.
Banjo (1978) sees classroom management as aiming and regulating publishing positive reinforcement of analyzing punishment as a remedial control measure.
Adeyemo (1971) regarded classroom management as the concerns of large variety of strength forwards activities such as simple clerical duties, ordering maintain and distributing classroom materials and routine custodian for student’s behaviour.
The complex nature of students in classroom coupled with the complex interaction among their pose, serious problems to the teachers in the teaching learning process.
In addition, the learning environment as well as the personality and experience of teacher have a lot of role to play ensuring a conducive or harmonious classroom situation necessary for effecting desired learning objectives.
All these call for effective classroom management skills on the part of teachers.
However the inability of school instructors or creating the desired of classroom climate militates against the acquisition of the right learning objectives by student, thereby making the school system o supper set backs in stratifying social expectation for establishing schools.
This problem necessitated or order to identity and ameliorate the problems of classroom management in schools, especially in Oredo local government area Edo state.
The study of the problem affecting classroom management and control in some selected secondary school in Oredo local government area as a case study is aimed at achieving discipline among students in the locality. In line with this, the purpose of this research is to carry out a survey of management problem among secondary school students in Oredo Local government Area. This study will also seek possible ways of preventing the management problems a man stunts in secondary schools by exposing them to simple classroom management rules.
The purpose of this study, is also to focus on how to achieve good classroom management and disorder in the classroom. Further, this study of classroom management will also pay attention to causes of students misbehaviour in the classroom.
1, Is it true that the environment influence classroom management and control in school?
2, Has the teachers weakness got anything to do with classroom management and control in school?
3, Has the student background have anything to do with classroom management and control in school?
4. Does the teachers person influence classroom management and control in schools?
The research intends to focus on the various aspects of management problems among students in some selected secondary schools in Oredo Local government Area.
Along this line, the findings from this study would bring to light the existence of classroom management problem among students in some selected secondary school on Oredo Local government Area of Edo State. This study would be of great help and immense benefit to the government and the ministry of education whose primarily aim is to see students as the future leaders of tomorrow. It would also be of great significance to the ministry of education and teachers as well as the school authorities who deal directly with these students in secondary school.
Discipline: Orderly or good conduct and action which result from raining in a system of rules for the conduct and respect for accepted rules and regulations of the school.
Trained teachers: This is referred to graduate teachers in education NCE holders and holders of educational diploma.
Student: A person undergoing a course of study and instruction at a secondary school.
Untrained teacher: They are teachers appointed to teach in a secondary school but have no formal teacher education
Management: These is the process of designing and maintaining a conducive atmosphere for members of an organization who is working together towards the realization of set objective as planning, organizing, staffing, heading and controlling in order to reach the end as utilizing the physical and human resources through co-operative effort.