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- : 1-5 Chapters
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Table Of Contents
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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of Study
1.4 Significant Of Study
1.5 Research Question
1.6 Scope Of Study
1.7 Definition Of TermsChapter Two
2.0 Related Literature Review
2.1 Level Of Competencies And Status By Secondary School Teachers And Its Effects To Teachers Competency And Status Possessed By Secondary School Teachers And Its Effects On Their Services
2.2 Effects Of Teacher’s Competency And Effectiveness On The Academic Achievement Of Junior Secondary School Students In
geography Subjects The Teacher, His Methods And The Teaching Activity In The
Teaching And Learning Of geography education Subjects
2.3 The Impact Of Computer Assisted Instrument And geography
Manage Instruction For Effective Teaching Of geography education Subject In Junior Secondary School
2.4 Factors That Facilitate Teachers Competency And Effectiveness In
The Teaching And Learning geography education at Junior Secondary
2.5 Summary Of Literature Review
Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of Study
3.3 Population Of Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Technique
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validation Of The Instrument
3.7 Reliability Of Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Collection
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis
Chapter Four
4.0 Data Preparation And Analysis
4.1 Research Question 1
4.2 Research Question 2
4.3 Research Question 3
Chapter Five
5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations
5.1 Summary Of Principal Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestion For Further Study
Appendices: Questionnaire.
Mkpa (1992), observes that standards of performance are basic to good teaching and learning. However, standard are not easy to determine; especially when education for job is concerned. he further noted that when standards were set, objectives were drawn up that would enable students to meet the standard. Student however may not affair such objectives of learning in all cases, but standards remain fixed unless they are altered due to changing circumstances in school system. School standards should be similar to job entry publication at the time the school is ready to enter into the business of learning.level of competencies possessed
According to Ekeruo (1999), ‘A teacher’s performance is primarily determined or measured by the end by the end product she can produce at any given time. He further noted that the teacher could not perform if she had no standard, sound knowledge or experience of the facts. She was supposed to impact to the child/student. Evaluation plays a vary important role in determining the teachers performance and that of the student. It provides information on the variations in the achievement of individual child/student by analyzing the achievement each child; the teacher gets to know the individual difference difficulties of his students. He is then in the position to direct his teaching to the specific problems identified and render help that is appropriate to the difficulties encountered.
Bloom et al (1981), noted that it was not an exaggeration to say that teachers developed an educational plan on the basis of subject matter content. Either through personal experiences with the field in which they are expert or the guidance provided by the standard textbooks, they decide what to be thought and in which sequence, time and teaching methodology.level of competencies possessed
Green (1991) on his own argued that teaching is basically meant for competency, understanding and problem solving. According to him a competent person in any area knows how to do his work well. as much important as teaching of facts and skills, in the acquisition of competency, and a standing problem-solving. He however, noted that not all competencies in life involve the ability to solve problems because, as a generalization, the more competent a person is in his business life, as well as his personal life, the fewer the problem he has to contend with. This according to him because person involved has so directed his life that problem-solving is an incidental part of it, rather than the total of it. Nevertheless, competency often requires problem-solving.level of competencies possessed
Following this, Green observes that, “one of the most important competencies of teacher is the ability to discriminate between facts worth mastering and those of which if learned may soon be forgotten. He therefore advised that we must learn those facts that are used most often, that are most difficult to find in reference books of various types. This according to him because learning precedes skill development by learner.level of competencies possessed
Ude (1999) is of the opinion that a teacher is meant to impact the required stuff to his students. However, one of the reasons for the poor quality of teachers was an influx of men and women into the teaching field who claimed to be teacher under auxiliary teaching cadre. Most of the teachers were ill equipped or untrained that they could not impact the required stuff to the students, the same is true of most geography education teachers in junior secondary school within Enugu education zone.level of competencies possessed
Besides, if the teacher do not master the subject matter very well it must surely affect his students performance in geography subjects. consequently, this problem has resulted to school producing poor academic students/pupils with poor results for junior secondary school certificate examination; and as such they stand to loose at the enrolment of student at the senior secondary level in such school. Also, the resultant effect is that such school enrolls very negligible number of students in the senior secondary school certificate examination. Sometimes they the one who are unable to find a better school and the are forced to continue in the same school and still perform below expectation in their academic achievements. These of course, are the major issues of concern that motivated the selection of this topic of study by the researchers.level of competencies possessed
The main objective of the study are:
(I) To determine the level of competencies of teachers teaching in the junior secondary school for an effective service delivery in geography education subjects in Enugu education zone.level of competencies possessed
(II) To identify the major problem confronting teachers of geography education in junior secondary schools.
(III) To find out the difficulties encountered by the learners in geography subjects in schools.level of competencies possessed
(IV) To find out workable strategies for improving both teachers and learners performance in geography education at the junior secondary school level.level of competencies possessed
This study will be of help to students and other researchers who might be interested in this and/or other related areas of the study. it would be of immense help to both present and perspective policy makers of the Nigerian educational system in the areas of planning and efficient utilization of resources. also educational planners, and administrators, teacher, parents and the students who are directly involved will realize the appropriate roles the study have to play for their performance in geography education subject at their junior secondary school level. The study shall be beneficial and of immense help in identifying major problems confronting teachers of geography education and factor responsible for this educational problem: the study will also propose the way forward.level of competencies possessed
For the successful execution of this study, the following research questions were posed:
I) What are the major role of computer science teachers in the teaching and learning of geography education subject at the junior secondary schools?
II) What are the possible problems confronting teachers in the teaching and learning of geography education subject at junior secondary school level?
III) What are the workable strategies that could be employed by improving teachers and learners performance in teaching and learning of geography education subject for effective service delivery?
I) This study is limited to the determination of the level of competencies of junior secondary school teachers in Enugu education zone in the teaching and learning of geography education subject.
II) The major roles of geography education teachers in the teaching an learning of geography education subject at the junior secondary schools.level of competencies possessed
III) The difficulties encountered by teachers and students in the teaching/learning process of geography education subject at the junior secondary school level.level of competencies possessed
IV) The workable strategies for improving teachers and learners performance in the teaching and learning of geography education subject for effective service delivery.level of competencies possessed
I) Teaching: teaching is the act of showing someone how to do something that he/she will not be able to do by himself/herself.
II) geography education: this is the study of computer and how they can be used.
III) Academic: connected with education, especially studying in school and universities.
IV) Performance: performance is the act of doing something such as piece of work, duty or task.level of competencies possessed