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This Research Work is on
Effect Of Training And Development On Employee Performance (Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara)
The purpose of this study is to test The effect of Training on The Employee’s Performance and The Quality of Medical Services in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara. The data of this study were collected through a (100) questionnaire distributed for all types of job in the hospitals. Grynbach constancy coefficients reached 79%, Percentages, and chi-square analysis were used to test the study hypotheses, the results indicate that there’s a strong effect of the training and training component on employees performance and the quality of medical services in the hospital. On the light of the study results the following recommendations may be submitted create an appropriate regulatory climate, annual training plan, for the process of training and providing appropriate incentives for the trainees, increased the budget allocated for training, in the Jordanian private hospitals, give workers opportunity to choose the training programs, and rationalized administrative decisions regarding the training programs.
Background of the Study
Organizations are facing increased competition due to globalization, changes in technology, political and economic environments (Evans, Pucik & Barsoux 2002,) and therefore prompting these organizations to train their employees as one of the ways to prepare them to adjust to the increases above and thus enhance their performance. It is important to not ignore the prevailing evidence on growth of knowledge in the business corporate world in the last decade. This growth has not only been brought about by improvements in technology nor a combination of factors of production but increased efforts towards development of organizational human resources. It is ,therefore , in every organizations responsibility to enhance the job performance of the employees and certainly implementation of training and development is one of the major steps that most companies need to achieve this. As is evident that employees are a crucial resource, it is important to optimize the contribution of employees to the company aims and goals as a means of sustaining effective performance. This therefore calls for managers to ensure an adequate supply of staff that is technically and socially competent and capable of career development into specialist departments or management positions (Afshan, Sobia, Kamran & Nasir 2012, 646).
The question that may arise in many instances is why human resources are important. Bearing in mind that human resources are the intellectual property of the firm, employees prove to be a good source of gaining competitive advantage (Houger 2006), and training is the only way of developing organizational intellectual property through building employees competencies. In order to succeed. Organizations have to obtain and utilize human resources effectively. Organizations ,therefore, need to design its human resource mananagement in ways that fit into the organization’s structure as this it will make the organizations achieve their goals and objectives. Moreover, it is also important for organizations to assist their workforce in obtaining the necessary skills needed and, increase commitment. The management of human resources in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular is rather challenging as most organizations have difficulties finding proper human resources. This may partly be a result of the different kinds of problems, for example, political instability, corruption, bureaucracy, poor infrastructure, low levels of education and purchasing power, diseases and famine known to prevail in the African business context (Kamoche 2002, 994 – 995).
Problem Statement
Despite the increasing effects on training of organizational employees by organizations, there is still limited literature on human resource development issues in developing countries (Debrah & Ofori 2006, 440) and increasing concerns from organizational customers towards low quality services in the telecommunications sector. It is further worth noting that while much is known about the economics of training in the developed world, studies of issues associated with training in less-developed countries are rarely found. The existing studies in this relation (Harvey 2002; Harvey, Matt & Milord 2002; Jackson 2002; Kamoche 2002; Kamoche, Debrah, Hortwiz & Muuka 2004; Kraak 2005) have taken a general human resource management (HRM) focus creating a gap on issues such as the effect of training on employee performance. This study will contribute in minimizing this gap in the literature and thereby establish the basis to understanding of some aspects of human resource management in general and training in particular in Nigeria.
In view of the above mentioned problem the research objective are thus:
To determine the effect of training on the employees’ performance in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
To determine the effect of the training components on the employees’ performance in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
To determine the effect of the training components on the quality of medical services in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
What is the effect of training on the employees’ performance in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
What is the effect of the training components on the employees’ performance in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
What is the effect of the training components on the quality of medical services in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
HO1: There is no significant effect of training on the employees’ performance in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
HO2: There is no significant effect of the training components on the employees’ performance in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
HO3: There is no significant effect of the training components on the quality of medical services in Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara.
In this regard our significance of study will be both on the theoretical levels and
practical levels. Theoretically, this study seeks to highlight and widen scholarly perceptions of Training And Development On Employee performance, Thus, the study will be a response to the intellectual challenges involved in enhancing an understanding of the unending but continually and changing new forms of international Human resource development.
More importantly, the study intends to critically examine the various efforts by organizations in Training and Development on Employee performance.
Basically, this study will be of vital importance to scholars on Human resource development studies researchers and the global reading public, and as such serve as a further take off point for future inquiry in the study under review.
The scope of the study covers Employee Training And Development efforts of Delta State University Teaching Hospital Oghara and its effect On the Performance of employees.