Newspaper Readers’ Perception of Campaigns for the Eradication of Corruption in Nigeria

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Newspaper Readers’ Perception of Campaigns for the Eradication of Corruption in Nigeria


This study undertook a critical appraisal of newspaper readers’ perception of campaigns for the eradication of corruption in Nigeria. It was motivated by the continued perception of Nigeria and Nigerians in the international arena as very corrupt, thus, raising questions regarding the expected impact and effects of newspaper campaigns in the fight against corruption in the country. Relevant literature to the topic was extensively reviewed to reveal the current thinking on the role and effectiveness of newspaper campaigns in the crusade against corruption in Nigeria. The area of study was six States’ Capitals selected from the six geo-political zones of the country and the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja), arriving at a population of 3,304,110 (three million, three hundred and four thousand one hundred and ten) from which a sample size of 400 was obtained by calculation using the TaroYamane formula. For the methodology, survey design was adopted, where a structured questionnaire was the instrument for data collection. Four research questions were asked and four research hypotheses were subsequently formulated and tested. The four null hypotheses were rejected, thus upholding all the alternative hypotheses. The data collected were presented in percentage frequencies, Likert’s 5-points scale and analysed with the statistical tool of Chi-Square and Spearman rank correlation. Results obtained indicated that newspaper readers’ perception of the performance of the press in the anti-corruption campaign is independent of the respondents educational qualification; that Newspaper readers exposure to newspaper campaigns on corruption had a significant impact in terms of contributing to their attitudes and behaviours regarding corruption; that Nigerian newspapers used their editorial columns effectively to crusade against corruption; that Nigerian newspapers’ performance of their surveillance role in the campaigns to eradicate corruption in Nigeria wassignificant. However, it is still recommended here that Nigerian journalists need to be much more encouraged, protected and motivated to consistently campaign against corruption in the country and that their reports must be made to reach the rural areas where over 70% of Nigerians still reside and where every citizen of the country comes from



Title Page———i




Abstract ———vi

Table of Content——–vii


Chapter One

1.0 Introduction ——-1

1.1 Statement of Problem——4

1.2 Purpose of the Study——5

1.3 Significance of Study——8

1.4 Limitation——–9

1.5 Scope of Study——-11


Chapter Two

2.0 Review of Related Literature —-12

2.6 Summary of Literature Review—- 19


Chapter Three

3.0 Research Methodology and Procedure—22

3.1 Population ——–22

3.2 Sample and Sampling Technique—-22

3.3 Validation of the Instrument —-23

3.4 Reliability of the Instrument —–23

3.5 Data Analysis——-23


Chapter Four

4.0 Presentation and Discussion of Result—24

4.1 Analysis and interpretaion of Data—25

4.2 Discussion of Results——38


Chapter Five

5.0. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation  –40

5.1 Summary——–40

5.2 Conclusion——–41

5.3 Recommendation——42

References ———45

Appendix 1——–47

Appendix ———50


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