Effects of Using Instructional Materials on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students’ in Economics in Jos-North Local Government Area of Plateau State

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Effects of Using Instructional Materials on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students’ in Economics in Jos-North Local Government Area of Plateau State

This study investigates the effects of using instructional materials on the academic performance of secondary school students in Economics in Jos-North Local Government Area of Plateau State. The study aims to examine whether the utilization of instructional materials positively influences students' academic achievements in the subject.

The research methodology employed in this study is a quantitative approach, utilizing survey questionnaires and academic performance records of students. The sample size consists of secondary school students in Jos-North Local Government Area, specifically focusing on the Economics subject. The students are divided into two groups: an experimental group that receives instruction with the aid of instructional materials, and a control group that receives conventional instruction without the use of instructional materials.

The study collects data on the academic performance of students through pre- and post-tests, comparing the performance of the experimental and control groups. Additionally, feedback from teachers and students regarding the effectiveness of instructional materials is gathered through questionnaires.

The findings of this study contribute to the existing body of literature by providing empirical evidence on the impact of instructional materials on academic performance in the Economics subject. It is hypothesized that the use of instructional materials will positively affect students' understanding, engagement, and retention of economic concepts, thereby enhancing their academic performance.

The anticipated results of this study will shed light on the potential benefits of incorporating instructional materials in Economics education. It is expected that the experimental group, exposed to instructional materials, will exhibit higher academic performance compared to the control group. These findings will provide valuable insights for educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers in Jos-North Local Government Area and beyond, emphasizing the importance of integrating instructional materials into teaching practices to improve students' academic outcomes.

Keywords: instructional materials, academic performance, secondary school students, Economics, Jos-North Local Government Area, Plateau State.


Title Page                                                                                  i

Declaration                                                                                ii

Approval Page                                                                           iii

Dedication                                                                                  iv

Abstract                                                                                     vi

Table of Contents                                                                      vii


1.1    Introduction                                                 1

1.2  Background of the study       3

1.3    Statement of the General Problem                                  4

1.4    Objective of the study                                                       5

1.5    Significance of the study                                                  5

1.6    Statement of hypothesis                                                   6

1.7    Scope of the study                                                             6

1.8    Limitation of the study                                                     7

1.9    Definition of terms                                                            7


2.0    Introduction                                                                      9

2.1    Review of related literature                                             9

2.2    Theoretical framework

2.3    Summary of review                                                           33


3.1    Introduction                                                                      35

3.2    Research design                                                                35

3.3    Area of study                                                                    35

3.4    Population of the study                                                    36

3.5    Sample size                                                                       36

3.6    Instrument for data collection                                          36

3.7    Reliability of the instrument                                            37

3.8    Validity of the Instrument                                               38

3.9    Method of data Collection                                                 38

3.10  Method of Data Analysis                                                  39


4.1    Introduction                                                                      41

4.2    Characteristics of the respondents                                   41

4.3    Presentation of Data Analysis                                         43

4.4    Discussion of Findings                                                     48

4.5    Summary of findings                                                        49


5.1    Summary                                                                          51

5.2    Conclusion                                                                        52

5.3    Recommendation                                                              53

Biography                                                                         54

Appendix                                                                           56

Effects of Using Instructional Materials on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students’ in Economics in Jos-North Local Government Area of Plateau State. GET MORE EDUCATION PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS   

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