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This research focuses on the effects of drug abuse on the performance of students in some selected secondary schools in Jos South LGA. The research is also aimed at focusing on the counselling implications, the devastating effects associated with drug abuse among students and to examine the effects of drug abuse on students performance, to rouse awareness to the problem and to proffer solution as how to prevent and control drug abuse among students. A survey research design was adopted, the population of the study consisted of 3000. A sample of 300 respondents was used, six (6) research questions were used for this study. A questionnaire consisted of 15 items was used. The instrument was validated by experts guidance and counselling/test and measurement. The reliability of co-efficience was 0.85. the following findings and recommendations were made. It was discovered that drug abuse has effects on student’s performance, students are introduced to drugs by their friends and school mates and students take drugs without a prescription. The recommendations given by the researcher include: Teachers are in the position to encourage students to cultivate healthful life style, schools should provide counselling services to students, law enforcement agencies should enforce drug laws to prohibit illicit sales and consumptions of drugs and school counsellors should be visited when faced with problems.


Title page ………………………………………………… i

Certification …………………………………………….. ii

Declaration ……………………………………………… iii

Dedication ………………………………………………… iv

Acknowledgement ………………………………………… v

Table of contents ………………………………………… vi

Abstract …………………………………………………… vii




1.1 Background of the study …………………………….… 1

1.2 Statement of the problem ……………………………… 5

1.3 Purpose of the study …………………………………… 5

1.4 Research questions ……………………………………. 7

1.5 Significance of the study ……………………………… 8

1.6 Delimitation of the study ………………………….…. 9

1.7 Definition of operational terms ……………………… 10




2.0 Introduction – – – – – – – 12

2.1 Concept of drug abuse …………………………………… 12

2.2 Commonly abused drugs ………………………………… 16

2.3 Cause of drug abuse ……………………………………… 22

2.4 Effects of drug abuse on users…………………………… 25

2.5 Remedial services to drug addicts……………………… 29

2.6 Solution to drug abuse……………………………….…… 32

2.7 Empirical studies on drug abuse …………………..…… 33

2.8 Role of counselling in drugs …………………………… 36

2.9 Summary of the reviewed literatures…………………… 38




3.1 Research design …………………………………….… 40

3.2 Population and sample ……………………………… 41

3.3 Sampling techniques ………………………………… 42

3.4 Instrument for data collection …………………….… 43

3.4.1 Description of the instruments …………………… 43

3.5 Validity and reliability of instruments ………………. 44

3.6 Procedure for data collection ………………………. 44

3.7 Method of data analysis …………………………… 45




4.1 Result ……………………………………………… 46

4.1.1 Research question 1…………………………… 47

4.1.2 Research question 2…………………………… 49

4.1.3 Research question 3…………………………… 50

4.1.4 Research question 4…………………………… 51

4.1.5 Research question 5…………………………… 53

4.2 Discussion ………………………………………… 54




5.1 Summary of findings ………………………………… 59

5.2 Conclusion …………………………………………… 60

5.3 Recommendations …………………………………… 61

5.4 Limitation of the study …………………..…….……… 63

5.5 Suggestion for further study ………….……………… 63

References…………………………………………… 65 .

Appendices ………………………………………… 68







The essence of teaching and learning in any educational institution is to impact knowledge and acquire experience which will result to a change in behavior. However, student’s success on how they acquire this knowledge is measured by their academic performance or how well a student meets standard set out by government or institution of learning is determine by their achievement in school over a period of study.

It is necessary to evaluate student’s achievement or failure in school in order to poster improvement and make full use of learning process. Academic performance has become a worrisome concern in this era where everybody is striving for high academic excellence. Many factors have been identified to associate with this high and low academic performance ranging from external to internal factors such as financial instability nutrition, sleep pattern, emotional stability and level of preparation.

It is not an over statement to say that a good percentage of people in the society today would like to have adequate information about drug abuse, because of the significant role drugs play in the lives of human.

However whatever position one takes in this matter, the fact remains that the issue of substance abuse is of national and internal significance and is expected to catch the attention of all and sundry.

Drug is defined as anything or chemical substance when taken into the body modified the body functions, while drug abuse according to Olowokere (1990), is the self- administration of any chemical in a manner that deviates from the approved medical or social patterns within a given culture. Nigerians are used to self- medication’s every one recommends drugs that had been prescribed by a doctor for a particular ailments or sickness to any person that has a similar aliment or sickness with dosage level to dose, level and from age to age. Infacts and the aged take longer period for metabolizing drugs. Also, abuse of alcohol by an individual is when he exceeds the limit accepted by his culture or when his intake of alcohol become so great as to injure his health or impaired his social relationship with others.

Alemika, (1993), states that the alarming evidence in the prevalence of drug abuse, the effect and consequences of substance abuse amongst students have been a matter of concern. It could be deduced from the above given statement that drug abuse among the youth nowadays is so rampant that one could hardly trust even a primary school pupil to be drug free. In fact, the up war over the use of drugs as conveyed in the Nigerian mass media has shown that today’s youths are almost the only generation that has been involved in drug in initiation of their parents and sometimes to respect their peer group’s pressure. Odejide, (1978), states that parents serve as role models in the use of drugs and abuse of drugs. In addition, Wheafly and Hillock (1965), In Momoh and Longbap (2005), remark that, like other forms of aggressive behaviour for example stealing among the way in which teenagers react to tension created by home and community problems. Broken homes and inadequate child relationship are common findings.

The consequences of this man made epidemic are too great for any nation to ignore. This has played a role in frustrating the lofty aspirations of many youths, thereby making over supposed future leaders to become future losers. If this is to be right addressed than patriotic citizens and individual body should assist government in its bid to get rid of the society of drug abuse.

According to Brooks and Brooks (1975), drug abuse is the bus stop of criminal activities: It goes with other social vices such as thoggery, abortions cultisms, rubbery, assassinations, truancy and so on because these young age are ill equipped to contend and cope with life crises, they resort to drug as problem solvers in other to escape the reality of problem the face. It is true that the negative school outcomes occurring among students in their performance and other deviant act are directly or indirectly attributed to drug use resulting to abuse. This has therefore become the concern of the public, lawmakers, law enforcement agencies, counsellors, teachers, preachers, psychiatrists and parents alike. The slightest experimentation with narcotics is highly dangerous youths can become addicts within a few weeks or even less. Before we realise the effect they are already hooked and become too sick physically and psychologically to be able to stop the attitude, moral sense is completely destroyed.

The cost of illegally sold drugs is so high that boys turn to stealing, girls to prostitution and other atrocities. It is the strong feeling of the researcher that drug abuse should be nipped in the bud before it is too late.

By implication, the school is an excellent forum for drug education activities because of the large concentration of students. The researcher conceives treatment as equal to educating the students who are experimenting with drugs.

Finally, it is in light of the above conception that the researcher is carrying out this study to investigate the effects of drug abuse on students’ academic performance in some selected secondary schools in Jos South Local Government area of Plateau State.


As already highlighted in the background of this study, it appears in their view that drug abuse is aligned to Nigerian schools however, narcotic drugs are not found in a particular locality or geographical area but are found everywhere.

However, many have died due to ignorance and careless living for example psychiatric disorders have caused considerable damage to student’s in Nigerian secondary and higher school learning. Those who have managed to get employed have either lost their job or are unable to improve on their jobs. This study is therefore set to find out the cause and effects of drugs abuse on students learning in some government secondary school in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.


The strength of any researcher lies in the objective it aims at achieving, and for the objective to be meaningful. The divesting effect associated with drug abuse has become a sort of worries to those who are involved in the upbringing of their children or youth. This has motivated the researcher to carry out this study based on the following reasons that are now gaining ground among the students.

Nigeria people in the sixties and seventies, were not addicted to drugs but that cannot be said today, where the use and abuse of alcohol have become the order of the day. The attendant consequences of these acts pose a threat to the educational system hence drug abuse have problem that are associated with school attendance grades, discipline violet behaviour liked armed robbery, rape, burning of house, killing of others, it has also let to mental and physiological conditions such as (murder or homicide) psychiatric illness, liver cirrhosis, cancer of the mouth and throat, malnutrition and hepatitis, road accidents suicide and student wastage and so on. Unfortunately the youth and adolescent in the school are mostly involved Ogureme and Okoron (1988), and Nwagu and Cheri (1999). Hence, the purpose of this research are as follows to:

  • Examine those factors that play influential role on students involvement in drug abuse.
  • Find the causes of drug abuse or substance abuse.
  • Examine the effects of drug abuse on students.
  • Suggest ways on how drug abuse can be prevented.
  • Arouse awareness to the problem of drug abuse.
  • Understand the ways in which drugs abuse affects school programmes and administration.
  • Proffer solution as to how to prevent and control drug abuse among students for meaningful individual and society development.
  • Evaluate the effects of drug abuse, and addition on academic performance of student in Jos South Local Government Area of Plateau State.


In order to resolve the problem stated in this study the researcher however seeks to find answer to the following questions.

  • Are students aware of the problem of drug abuse among themselves?
  • What measure should addict take in order to recover?
  • What are reasons for drug or substance abuse?
  • Where should drug addict be directed when he or she needs help?
  • How can drug affect student’s learning ability?


For the research to be relevant, it must take a significant contribution to the improvement of the society. In this case, this study is relevant in many ways to student’s administrators, counsellors, the general society, government and non- governmental organization.

To the student, the finding of this study would enable them to know the effects of drug abuse which will thereby help to shape their life style hence it serves as feedback.

Also the school administrations, the research will give them an insight to the reason why students take drug which will enable them to make roles that will assist the reduction of drug abuse by the students.

To the parents, the student will help them to love and support their children and will also prevent students or youth from drug abuse. Also to the general society the study will help to check the menace of drug thereby reducing violent crime in the society. The research will therefore use theatrical materials inform of reading literature on this topic as well as practical information of questionnaires or oral interviews in trying to find a possible solution to this ugly problem. More so, the researcher earnestly hope that this study will be useful to anybody that will come in contact with it.

It can also be kept in the library for future use and criticism by researcher.

To teachers and counsellor the study will help them to build confident and self esteem in students and this will assist them to educate them, on the effects of drug abuse and to guide them to make healthy choices. The study is expected to serve as stepping stone for other researcher who would want to study related problems.


Due to financial and time problems, what is supposed to be done on the research is not done. Therefore, this study is limited to only six secondary schools in the Local government Area, they are: Government Secondary School Giring Abattoir, Government Secondary School Anglo, Government Secondary School Kuru, Science School Kuru, Government Secondary School Gyel and Government Secondary School Vwang. The study, therefore, focuses on the reason why students take drugs, the source and the types of drugs commonly abuse by students.



The following operational definitions of terms have been provided for understanding and classifications, the term and some variables used in this research work are, therefore, defined below:

  • Secondary School: These are post-primary institutions excluding teachers training in college.
  • Drugs: These are substances such as liquids, solids or gases used in Medicare to help our bodies combat disease or ailments.
  • Abuse: The use of drugs/solvents in a way that is wrong or harmful.
  • Drug Abuse: This is the self-administration of any drug or substance in a manner that deviates from the accepted medical prescription.
  • Effects: This is how drugs or alcohol causes someone to behave abnormally.
  • Alcohol: These are liquids or beverages taken orally that intoxicate.
  • Addict: One who is unable to resist or a person who is unable to stop taking harmful drugs.
  • Addiction: A state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of drugs.
  • Hallucinogens: Are substances capable of producing symptoms in normal subjects resembling those of psychotics or mentally ill patients for instance Indian hemp.


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