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This research was carried out in order to determine a correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievements of students in selected departments in Federal College of Educaion, Panksin. The correlation research design was adopted for the study. The target population of this study was the entire students of Federal college of Education Pankshin who approximately are up to 15,000 students both N.C.E and undergraduate. The simple random sampling technique was used to choose the sample of the study. The selected departments are: Guidance and Counseling (school of education), Social studies department (school of Art and social sciences), Biology department (school of sciences) and Adult Education (school of Adult, Non-Formal and Special Education). The instruments used for the collection of data were the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) Standardised by Sinh (2004) and students’ GP. GP of students who answered the questionnaire was interacted with in order to determine the correlation between their emotional intelligence and academic achievements. The data collected was analyzed using the mean score and standard deviation. The t-test was used to test the hypothesis formulated. The findings of the study indicated that emotional intelligence helps a person to restrain negative feelings such as anger, self-doubt, stress, and anxiety and instead focus on positive ones such as confidence, empathy and congeniality, emotional intelligence was related to academic achievements because academic achievement involves a great deal of self-dependence and pressure and the majority of academic work in the college is self-directed, requiring high levels of self-control. Therefore, individuals who are properly aware of their emotions would perform better academically, students who had high emotional intelligence performed better in their academics than students who had low emotional intelligence – this could be seen when students with high emotional intelligence had a total of 2.7 mean scores while those with low emotional intelligence had a total of 1.2 as their mean scores. The hypotheses revealed that there was a significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic performance, students who had low emotional intelligence performed poorly and students who had high emotional intelligence performed well academically. These findings had counseling implications which are: Counsellors should encourage learners to put their emotional intelligence in check if they must perform better in their academics; the counseling unit needs to be equipped with materials and books that will help students when they come for counseling, Counselling students on personal social matters should also incorporate how to tackle emotional intelligence. It was also recommended that: Students’ academic achievement should be enhanced with the use of emotional intelligence training, Emotional intelligence should be noted not only for academic interest but also for future success in life, the efforts to increase students’ emotional intelligence should be considered during the process of teaching and learning in the classroom.



Cover Page

Declaration Page

Approval Page

Dedication Page



Table of Contents –




1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1.4 Research Questions

1.5 Research Hypothesis

1.7. Scope of the Study

1.8. Operational Definitional of Terms





2.1 Theories of Emotional Intelligence

2.2 Concept of Emotional Intelligence

2.3 Branches/Attribute of Emotional Intelligence

2.4 Emotional Intelligence and Socio-economic Status

2.5 Importance and Effects of Emotional Intelligence

2.6 Concept of Academic Achievement

2.7 Techniques for Collecting Information on the Individual (Psychological Tests Techniques)

2.8 Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement

2.9. Factors Affecting Emotional Intelligence and its Effect on academic Achievement




3.1. Research Design

3.2 Population of the Study

3.3. Sample and Sampling Techniques

3.4 Instruments for Data Collection

3.5. Administration of the Instrument

3.6 Validity of Instrument

3.7. Reliability of Instrument

3.8. Method of Data Presentation and Analysis




4.0 Introduction

4.1. Presentation of Demographic Information of the Respondents

4.2 Analysis of Academic Achievements of Students

4.3 Testing of hypothesis

4.4 Discussion of Findings




5.1 Summary of Findings

5.2 Conclusions

5.3 Counselling Implications

5.4 Recommendations







1.6 Background of the study

Emotional intelligence is considered a popular construct and is responsible for success in every aspect of a person’s life. Goleman (1995) theorized that emotional intelligence provides the base for emotional competences that promotes social and personal skills in individuals for better performance at school. Those who have high competency can recognize emotions and influence others feelings, as compared to those who have less capability. They normalize their emotions and are able to perform better in organization.

Emotional intelligence refers to an ability to recognize the meaning of emotion and their relationships. Emotional intelligence is involved in the capacity to perceive emotions, assimilate emotion-related feelings, understand the information of those emotions, and manage them. Researchers investigated dimensions of emotional intelligence by measuring related concepts, such as social skills, inter-personal competence, psychological maturity and emotional awareness, long before the term ‘emotional intelligence’ came into use. Teachers in schools have been teaching the rudiments of emotional intelligence since 1978, with the development, “social and emotional learning” and “personal intelligence” are aimed at raising the level of social and emotional competence” (Goleman,1995)

Lam and Kirby (2002) are of the opinion that emotional intelligence involves perceiving, understanding and regulating emotions. High emotional intelligence can contribute to a student in the learning process.

Students low on emotional intelligence may find failure more difficult to deal with, which undermines their academic motivation (Drago,2004)

All students experience frustration and failure to achieve their goals. They depend on their mental or emotional strength that enables courage in the face of adversity to control their negative thoughts and feelings. If they are able to control emotions, they will achieve the academic goals as well. (Dweck 1996). Finnegan (1998) argued that school should assist students learn the abilities underlying the emotional intelligence. This he believes could lead to achievement from formal education years of an individual. Likewise, Abiso\amra (2002) states that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. He therefore canvassed for inclusion of emotional intelligence in the schools curricula. Parker et al (2004) in their study found that highly successful students scored higher than the unsuccessful group on emotional intelligence. In the same vain, law and Nelson (2004) are of the opinion that emotional intelligence skills are key factors in the academic achievement and test performance of high school and college students respectively.

In federal college of education Pankshin, students are faced with the challenge of performing well academically. Some perform high while some perform low. In the light of this, this work seeks to find out the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement and its implication for counseling.




1.7 Statement of the Problem

The decline in the academic achievement of students of federal college education at Pankshin has been a major source of concern to management and policymakers in the school.

Measures taken by management and government at various levels to eliminate this problem and improve the academic achievement of students have focused more on improving infrastructure, equipping the schools and providing qualified teachers, which may not have produced the desired results.

Poor academic achievement among students of the college limits their potential for advancement in their career and their ability to compete effectively in an ever increasingly competitive global village. Though the curricula at the higher level are designed to address this inherent gap the importance of student emotional standard of achievement may have been missing, misunderstood or neglected. It is therefore necessary to interrupt the ugly trend of poor academic achievement among students by developing and enhancing their emotional intelligence skills which have been observed to be major determinants of academic achievement because a student may never recover from the terror and degradation of his or her emotional state.

1.8 Objectives of the Study

The aim of this study is to find the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of students of Federal College of Education Pankshin.

The specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. Determine the performance of students with low emotional intelligence.
  2. Find out the performance of students with high emotional intelligence.

iii. Examine the difference in the performance of students who have high emotional intelligence and those who have low emotional intelligence.

1.9 Research Questions

The concern of this study is conducting a correlation study between emotional intelligence and academic achievement among students. Some of the questions the study sought answers include:

  1. What is the performance of students with low emotional intelligence?
  2. What is the performance of students with high emotional intelligence?
  3. What is the difference in the performance of students who have high emotional intelligence and those who have low emotional intelligence?

1.10 Research Hypothesis

Ho: there is no significant correlation between the emotional intelligence skills of college students and their academic achievement

Ho: Students with low emotional intelligence do not perform poorly in their academics

Ho: Students with high emotional intelligence do not perform higher in their academics

1.6 Significant of the Study

The research will be significant to the researcher as it will place him in a better knowledge and understanding of the relationship or link that exists between emotional intelligence and the academic achievement of students in his locality.

The information gathered by the study would assist curriculum experts in reviewing the present educational curriculum to mainstream emotional intelligence skills as a component of the higher school curriculum.

The research findings will help parents to know their children's emotional status and its implication on their academic achievements by providing the necessary assistance needed for better improvement. In the same vein, the government will not be left out, it will place them in a better position to know the student's needs and strategies to be employed for providing quality education to institutions of learning and producing good and brilliant students in the educational sector.

The research work will also help students of the college to know the significant correlation that exists between emotional intelligence and their academic achievement. Not just that, but also the theories of emotional intelligence, the techniques for collecting information on the individual and branches of emotional intelligence on academic achievement in other to improve their academic performance.

Findings in this research will serve as reference material to subsequent researchers hence it will bring about development among the students in the department of guidance and counseling and the entire college and administrators in various organizations.

1.9. Scope of the Study

This research seeks to conduct a correlational study on emotional intelligence and academic achievement among students of federal college of education Pankshin. This research work will cover departments randomly pick within the college.

These departments are:

  1. Guidance and counseling (school of education)
  2. Social studies department (school of arts and social sciences)
  3. Biology department (school of sciences)
  4. Adult Education

Furthermore, for the survey to be properly carried out, 200level students of the listed department will be issued questionnaires after which their G.P.A (Grade Point Average) will be employed so as to know the correlation or relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of students in F.C.E Pankshin.

1.10. Operational Definitional of Terms

It is important to define all unusual terms that could be misinterpreted. This definition helps to establish the frame of reference with which the research approaches the problem.

– Correlation: In statistics, dependence or association is any statistical relationship, whether causal or not, between two random variables or vicariate data. In the broadest sense correlation is any statistical association though it commonly refers to the degree to which a pair of variables are linearly related. (Wikipedia)

– Study: Application of the acquisition of knowledge by reading, investigation, or reflection or to examine or investigate carefully and in detail. (Dictionary.com)

– Academic Achievement: Academic achievement is the extent to which a student teacher or institution achieves their short or long-term educational goals. Cumulative GPA and completion of educational benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees represent academic achievement (Wikipedia).

– Emotional Intelligence: The subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions.

– Counseling: Counseling is a process in which the counselor assists the counselee in making interpretations of facts relating to choice, plan, or adjustments that he needs to make.


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