Tag: Desiccation Tolerance And Antioxidantenzymatic Activity In Citrus Reshni Seeds Exposed Tovarious Drying Rates

Desiccation Tolerance And Antioxidantenzymatic Activity In Citrus Reshni Seeds Exposed Tovarious Drying Rates

Format: Ms Word, Ms Word  |  Pages: 67 |  Price: ₦5,000 |  Chapters: 1-5
DESICCATION  TOLERANCE AND ANTIOXIDANTENZYMATIC ACTIVITY IN CITRUS RESHNI SEEDS EXPOSED TOVARIOUS  DRYING   RATES TABLE CONTENTS Title Page———i Certification——–ii Dedication———iii Acknowledgement——-iv Abstract ———vi Table of Content——–vii   Chapter One 1.0 Introduction ——-1 1.1 Statement of Problem——4 1.2 Purpose of the …