Tag: effect of different carbon sources

Effect of different carbon sources on the growth of antimicrobial producing bacillus species in citrillus vugaris.

Format: Ms Word, Ms Word  |  Pages: 78 |  Price: ₦5000 |  Chapters: 1-5
EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CARBON SOURCES ON THE GROWTH OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRODUCING BACILLUS SPECIES IN CITRILLUS VUGARIS.  Effect of different carbon sources on the growth of antimicrobial producing Bacillus species …

effect of different carbon sources on the growth of antimicrobial producing bacillus species in citrillus vugaris.

Format: Ms Word, Ms Word  |  Pages: 79 |  Price: ₦5000 |  Chapters: 1-5
EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CARBON SOURCES ON THE GROWTH OF ANTIMICROBIAL PRODUCING BACILLUS SPECIES IN CITRILLUS VUGARIS. Abstract Effect of different carbon sources on the growth of antimicrobial producing Bacillus species in …