Tag: Environmental Impacts Of Solid Waste Landfilling
Format: Ms Word, Ms Word |
Pages: 89 |
Price: ₦3,000 | $25 | ₵60 | Ksh 2720 |
Chapters: 1-5
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Introduction Water is the most abundant environmental resource on earth but its accessibility is based on quality …
Format: Ms Word, Ms Word |
Pages: 76 |
Price: ₦5000 |
Chapters: 1-5
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study The Solid wastes comprise all the wastes arising from human and animal activities that are normally …
Format: Ms Word, Ms Word |
Pages: 56 |
Price: ₦5000 |
Chapters: 1-5
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF SOLID WASTE LANDFILLING Abstract Inevitable consequences of the practice of solid waste disposal in landfills are gas and leachate generation due primarily to microbial decomposition, climatic …