information and communication technology and broadcast news production (a comparative study of akbc tv 45 and nta 12 uyo)

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1.1 Introduction
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are at the center of all human activities and endeavours, without doubt, man requires knowledge which can be equated in every sense with information to act or read both functionally and responsibly in environment. However, the invention of radio in first decade of the 20th century produced the means for long distance communication.

In order to communicate effectively and efficiently, man has over the years developed communication technologies. These bridge the communication gap, usually, created by distance. These have led to what Agba (2001) calls “informania” that is, one’s ability and quest to have access to most information.  broadcast news production

A communication scholar Marshal Macluhun, (1982) looking at the impact of Broadcasting and other Communication Technologies, noted that our world have been deducted into a global village whose communication boundaries and barriers have been broken by electric circulatory.  broadcast news production

However, the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies have aids news production in mass media. To see how its roles affects news processing in broadcasting media, this project will assess the various dimensions, in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) are applicable to broadcast news processing.  broadcast news production

1.2 Statement of the Problem
There has been a sudden influx of Information and Communication Technologies into journalism, with its visible impact on both broadcast and print media. Despite the application of these Information Communication Technologies media, there are still flaws in news gathering editing and dissemination. Examples of these flaws are as follows:
1. Indiscriminate publishing of fake news on some journals.
2. Excessive abuse of the journalism ethnics on reporting sensitive cases. This research will also seek to know the Impacts Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have created in broadcast media, in reducing these flaws with regards to news processing.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study were to:
1 determine the role of information communication in news processing.
2 find out the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on broadcast news.
3 to determine the extent to which information communication technologies is used in broadcast news production.

1.4 Research Questions
To give organized direction to the research, answers to the following question would be sought.
1. What are the roles of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in news processing?
2. What is the impact of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) on broadcast news?
3. to what significant extent is Information Communication Technologies (ICT) used in broadcast news production?

1.5 Significance of the Study
This study will show the various trans involved in processing of broadcast news, by typing to analyze factors that hinder the used of Information Communication Technologies in broadcast news processing.
It will provide a pigeon hole through which information Communication Technologies (ICT) could be deployed for effective broadcast news production. To help show the recent advances in our ability to communicate and process information in digital form. it will also unfold the extent of which Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have immensely effects and reshaped the life, economy and social well being of many people. To also give impetus for rapid globalization. broadcast news production

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