The cell phone that works without battery

The cell phone that works without battery

The cell phone that works without battery but uses radio waves and solar power.

A team of researchers at the University of Washington has developed the first cell phone that works without battery, because is powered by ambient radio waves or by solar energy.Cell phones have become more and more complex in time and this fact has required stronger batteries that have enough power to cover all the applications run by the phone.

Even so, a smartphone today must be recharged pretty often, and many of us already had at least one moment when the phone died during a call, and there was no electrical outlet available to recharge the device right away.

Researchers have created this prototype cell phone that works without a battery to eliminate such moments, and of course the weekly routine to recharge your phone.

The phone looks more like a calculator, and uses Skype to make the calls (for outgoing calls).

To speak during the calls you need to push a button (something similar to a walkie-talkie).

For the moment the cell phone can be only used to make calls, but the researchers have already announced that the next step is to encrypt calls and add a screen to the device.

The cell phone that works using ambient radio waves and solar power will be available soon, but will work only as a cell phone, surfing the web and other applications that are specific to a smartphone will not be available yet.

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