Advance Agricultural Development Through Cooperative Societies In Enugu (A Study Of Selected Registered Cooperative Societies In Ezeagu Local Government Area)

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Advance Agricultural Development Through Cooperative Societies In Enugu (A Study Of Selected Registered Cooperative Societies In Ezeagu Local Government Area)

Modern form of cooperative leaves their origin in the tension and opportunities created by industrialization and urbanization in the nineteenth century in Europe most of the early interested in cooperative structure seemed form deep regards to the social consequence of industrialization also as a vehicle for the rentilization of radical social and political goals, however much concepts of cooperative interest as well as economic objective maybe pursued in other words, this project is on the impact of advancing, agricultural development through cooperatives societies. This research work is divided into five chapters. Chapter one which is introduction consist of the background of the study, purpose of the study, scope of the study, limitation and definition of terms. Chapter two talks about the literature review, which includes problems of agricultural cooperatives in Nigeria. Chapter three has to do with method data collection, techniques and instruments. Chapter four shows the analysis of data which was broken down into presentation of data and research analysis and findings. Chapter five which is the last chapter indicates the summary conclusion on the research and recommendation made by the researcher. The findings is to determine the nature of relationship between agricultural cooperatives and its members as a whole in the rural development structure and increase their production.
Title page=========i
Approval Page= = = = = = = = = ii
Dedication= = = = = = = = = iii
Acknowledgment = = = = = = = = iv
Abstract= = = = = = = = = = v
Table of content= = = = = = = = vi
1.0  Introduction= = = = = = = = 1
1.1 Background of the study= = = = = = 1
1.2 Objectives of the study= = = = = = 5
1.3 Research questions = = = = = = 5
1.4 Research hypothesis= = = = = = 6
1.5 Significance of the study= = = = = = 6
1.6 Scope of the study= = = = = = = 7
1.7 Limitation of the study= = = = = = 7
2.0 Review of related literature= = = = = 9
2.1 Advancing Agricultural development through Cooperative societies = = = = = = 9
2.2 Farming system/Agricultural system = = = 16
2.3 Agricultural system = – = = = = 17
2.4 principles of crop rotation =====20
2.5 Importance of Agricultural system = = = = 21
2.6 Problems of agricultural cooperatives = = = 24
2.7 Agricultural financing = = = = = = 28
2.8 Cooperative Education = = = = = = 35
2.9 Relevance of cooperative education= = = =  36
3.0 Research Design and Methodology = = = = 42
3.1 Research Design= = = = = = = 42
3.2 Area of the study= = = = = = = 43
3.3 Population of the study= = = = = = 43
3.4 Sample size and sampling technique = = = 43
3.5 Method of data collection = = = = = = 45
3.6 Research instrument used = = = = = 45
3.7 Validity and Reliability of the instrument = = 46
3.8 Method of data analysis= = = = = = 46
4.0 Data presentation, analysis and interpretation= = 47
4.1 Introduction = = = = = = = = 47
4.2 Socio-Economic characteristics of Respondents = 47
4.3 Data Analysis = = = = = = = = 48
4.4 Test of Hypothesis= = = = = = = 49
5.0 Summary of Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion 67
5.1 Findings= = = = = = = = = 51
5.2 Conclusion  = = = = = = = = 52
5.3 Recommendations  = = = = = = 54
Advancing agricultural development through cooperative societies from the onset of human existence and up to our present generation, one finds out that situation have risen that necessitate people coming together organizing, themselves in a cooperative manner towards reaching an end. Agriculture have been a basic source of economic and social or socio
cultural achievement towards rural development.
According to Iwena (2008), maintained that agriculture simply means field cultivation and also animal production Also, in this words, agriculture is deliberate effort made by man to till the soil, cultivate crops and rear animal for food and other purposes.
In addition, Amahalu (2007); says the agricultural cooperatives is a type of producers cooperative which aims at improving food production and well-being of the members. Furthermore, agricultural cooperative are those societies which embrace all the cooperative activities which aim at helping
farmers in their professional capacity as producers.
Agriculture from’ the beginning of time, the first concern of man has been food, clothing and shelter in that order. Agriculture being one of the oldest and earliest industries, its origin can be traced to the earliest human societies. The existence of man from the pre-historical era up to the era of ancient civilization depended on the ability of individual to hunt and gather for, consumption. Food was however, the basic source of life which provided human with energy in her wondering and constant struggle for survival. In other words, agriculture aids in advancing rural development with the location of industries that utilize agricultural produce in an area, and other investors go to rural areas to set up factories, trade and operate business centers: people are employed and paid. The fundamental issues
in Nigeria today is the way and manners agricultural development can be achieved in various communities and break away from the cycle of developing nation in the world.
Agricultural cooperative societies also participate in advancing agricultural horizons. They are also greatly involved in food production so as to improve the social and economic life of the members and the country as a whole. They can contribute in producing member farmers with inputs,
seeding, disinfectants, fertilizers, education etc. in spite of all this, the societies encounter a lot of difficulties and because of these have beer attracting criticisms from people in all works of life. The government functionaries, businessmen, the media and general public are all very critical of cooperative societies. Agricultural of cooperative societies, agricultural production owing to some distributing factors, as it associated
being studied. High financial commitment in the formation of the agricultural cooperatives of different size and type, members neglecting their obligations, participating in group farm work in the farmland weeding, planting, harvesting and .marketing of farm produce. Procurement of farm inputs like high yielding seeds, stem, and seedlings, agro-chemical
disinfectants and fertilizers.
Problems of marketing of marketing of produce and efficiency distribution return to inputs utilized.

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