The role of women in co-operative development (a case study of mbaitoli l.g.a imo state).

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The role of women in co-operative development (a case study of mbaitoli l.g.a imo state).


The study analyzed the role of women in cooperative development in Mbaitoli Local Government Areas of Imo State. The population for the study was made up of women in Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State. Samples of 200 women were randomly drawn from the ten selected town in Mbaitoli local government area. The instrument used for data collection was ARUCDQ instrument designed by the researcher. The researcher administered the instrument by hand and collected it by hand.

Finding revealed those women in Mbaitoli local government area were forming and belonging to very many co-operative societies operating in different areas of human endeavours.

It is against this background that my proposed was to identify the role of women in co-operative development in Mbaitoli local government area of Imo State. It is expected that the study would help to recognize fully the role of women folk of explore may potentialities for co-operative development.

This dream has been stunted and frustrated by harsh, discriminating customs and obnoxious traditions is most societies.

For this, among the recommendation made, women are if not confined and restricted to unpaid services by discharging domestic chores that are accounted for to contribute towards co-operative development in the economy.

Chapter One

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

1.2 Statement of the study

1.3 Purpose of the study

1.4 Scope of the study

1.5 Significance of the study

1.6 Limitation of the study

1.7 Definition of terms


Chapter Two

2.0 Review of Related Literature

2.1 Cultural Barriers

2.2 Traditional Attitude and Position of Women

2.3 Difference in Attitude and Attitude

2.4 Biological Factor

2.5 The women Perspective in Co-operative

2.6 Recent Trends in women co-operative

2.7 Appraisal of the literature review


Chapter Three

3.0 Research Design and Methodology

3.1 Methods of Data Analysis

3.2 Population of the study

3.3 Sample size procedure/Techniques

3.4 Instrument for Data Collection

3.5 Reliability of the Instrument

3.6 Method of data analysis


Chapter Four

4.0 Summary of Finding, Conclusion and Recommendation.

4.1 Summary of Findings

4.2 Conclusion

4.3 Recommendation

4.4 Bibilography




The concept co-operative development is a package of development programmes, it is defined as the process of propagating co-operatives movement as an organizational frame-work through veritable instruments for the utilization and sensitization of man.

This situation emphasis the integrated enterprise approaches to the people living in both urban and mainly in rural communities.

Severally, attempts has been made to achieve the laudable goal of development in co-operative movement initiated a result of the changes in the economics and social systems at the early century recorded as the period of industrial revolution. As such, there was a change from domestic to factory system heating to untold attendant evils of man’s inhumanity to man.

There have been failures thwarting the concerted efforts to promote co-operative movement in the world. The evidence could be provided with the chief protagonist, ROBERT OWEN, who experienced it between 1825 and 1887.

Though other co-operative movement, which borrowed their experiences for owenite movement, sprang up and witnessed successful operation at a slow pace thereafter.


In Nigeria, long before the advent of the modern co-operative business practice, there hard existed and infact still exist, traditional and indigenous forms of organization and groups with basic co-operative features. That is, there have been para-co-operatives institutions. The enactment of the co-operative societies law of 1935 ushered into Nigeria that art and practice of Rochadale type of co-operative movement otherwise called modern co-operative movement, this enactment followed from the report presented by Mr. C.F Stickland in 1934. The pre-ordinance day therefore represent the era of unofficial co-operative. Before this period of strickland’s report that was based essentially on the Indian experiences, there was pre-co-operative societies express the major regions in Nigeria namely Ibadan. Agriculture society (1904). Agege planters union (APU) .

Thereafter Isubu credit societies in the Calabar geographical area. All attempts to achieve noble goals for promoting co-operative movement were beset by the following set back gross inefficiency, lack of fund, incompetence, complete ignorance among the members and political instability as well as politicization of the movement contrary to the ideals and principles of co-operatives by the founding fathers.

Following the government interference, in 1975-78 National development plan there started inclusion of cooperative development as a clear testimony of the federal government faith in the possibilities of cooperation as a means of social and economic transformation.

During that period, the development programmed of Obasanjo, operation feed the nation (OFN) co-operative movement was assigned specific role (Tutorial lecture by F.U. Agbo on co-operative movement on the crucial role which co-operative can development pg-10.

However, in developing of co-operative movement during the period on reference was the realization of the federal government in the crucial role which co-operative education can play on the overall development of the movement now and in the future government established the existing co-operative colleges across the country at considerable expenses. Half way on the journey, the good intention was interrupted by frequent changes in government with the adoption of new policies and programmes.

In 1988, a new policies emerged with her suspension and modification of programmes and policies. co-operative bodies were made up to twenty-one suitable to the number of state crested. Also 1991 was another political changed leading to the increase on co-operative movement. That period, the review of civil services structures that brought about the name director instead of registrar of co-operative societies in the country. Even then, it is not that the role of women was not highly underestimated resulting from ignorance. Even though women represent more than 50% of Nigeria population and to of the rural workforce.

In such communities people have over economy development on the contrary, nevertheless the situation constituting myriad of problem to women folk, a lot as happening to change the status of women for the better. Among these based on my contribution are as follows.

The influence of those women who have been exposed to leadership training outside their homes who have return to propagate development to the grass root.
The motivation provided by group action is a great force to reckon with (etal elo Amauchi Eazi).
Numerous private, non-governmental organization (Naos) of women around the world, which asserts and project women’s rights and opportunities.
The effect of the letter-life and other development programmes of rural women which insisted on equality of opportunities for men and women and which provides opportunity for them.


Nigeria co-operative development programme have been faced with multi-dimensional problems resulting in the crisis of the socio-economic and cultural activities of men such crisis is caused partly by himself and partly by forces outside his control. It is poultry, goats, sheep, dog, cats and even cows, it is against this that evidence has shown the under pinning facts that in many part of Nigeria that the role of women is either not understood or underestimated resulting from ignorance. Even though women represent more than 50% of Nigeria population and 70% of the rural workforce in such communities, people have over the years backs contrived numerous jealously guarded principles and prejudices against women, which are difficulty to break such bottlenecks can be mentioned as follows.

Most rural communities forbid women inheriting land or having access to power, business and position of influence.
The tendency of give male preference is reducation over women.
The practice of regarding males as more important as representative of families than the females.
Society also tends to frown at the ambitions and industrious women regarding them as social unfits.
The women themselves tend to underestimate their role by not to vote for themselves or other women preferring their husbands to do so or binding under them O Ijere women in Nigeria Economy in pg 8 et al.
Mobilizing women power for Nigeria primarily a problem of choice and the courage to take the consequences of the choice.

According to M.O.Ijere Orkoriji EC pg. 131 women in Nigeria economy, he asserted that despite the significant roles the contribution of women in nation building is grossly underestimated over emphasized and not documented. In addition the invariable given subordinate positions in the management of co-operative affairs, they are as inferior to their male counterparts, especially in the local government.

As a cause study, women are excluded in co-operative extension workers, farm supplies credit and training services new technology like the tractors, while highlighting the burden of men tend to increase and complicate that of women (Pg 70 women in Nigeria Economy by M.O.Ijere) in the leadership standard of co-operative in Mbaitoli local government area, it can be indicated that no women were on existence there, but they are to be more in succinct I realized that if women are recognized is a factor in life which could no longer be ignorance ad they represent not only half the world’s wisdom, strength, labour force, and intelligent but also half of estimated unlike in the past, but too much politicization of the programmes has been a drawback. Beside hijacking of its benefits by the well to do in the urban and a few ruralities of the expense of the populace brought its weakness, another development programme emerged. That was family support programme (FSP) Family Economic Advancement Programme and presently Poverty Alleviation/Eradication in all are para cooperative institutions. All these development programmes have formulated sound objective gearing towards socio-economic life in both co-operative and agricultural activities.

Generally, Mbaitoli women, Aku in particular are involved on all facts of agricultural cooperative for instances in farm cultivation. They among other things clear the farmlands, cultivate all kinds of vegetables, sow seed yam, plant side crops, transport rice, apply manure, weed in the farms harvest different varieties of crops employing all variable means manually by hand and with the use of traditional implements store harvested crops even to the extent of tying yams in the barns, they market agricultural product, process agricultural product such as rice and cassava into finished product, they keep and rear varieties of in especially its demands (etal p.g 116 Elo Amucheazi, THE INDISPENSABILITY OF NIGERIAN WOMEN IN THE POSITIVE TRANSFORMATION OF RURAL AREAS).

To put more in succinct, any opportunity in cooperative leadership allowed to women would make the cooperative movement in Nigeria to record greater achievement consequent upon this, cooperative today could have been competing with other business enterprise, as it is the case in other parts of the world Gambia in particular. No doubt, the truth that co-operative ventures in Nigeria have always been killed or reduced to a stand still due to the investors mentality of the men talk.

This cannot happen under women’s leadership because they are endowed with characteristics that can be vital in co-operative leadership.


The co-operative principle of open and voluntary membership admits equal status 9sex) in most of the co-operative movement in Nigeria including the para co-operative, institution, women from greater number of the members.

The search for the viable roles of women for a successful co-operative development in Nigeria has been underestimated. Their roles are distinct and variable instruments for co-operative development.

In reality, there roles undertaken by them are not compensated for in thus country, and Mbaitoli Local Government Area in particular. Most offices occupied by members of co-operative ranging from micro-primaries in the village and macro-union in the local government area Mbaitoli area noticed with a women.

Therefore the specific objectives of the research could be narrowed down as follows:

To examine the reasons behind the tradition of monopolizing these position by men in Mbaitoli local government area.
To identity the administrative positions of women in the co-operative structure and their active contributions towards policy making in the local government area.
To explore to what extents, viable and successful contributions of women roles towards restoring the dignity of men and women like for nations building, in spite of the level of civilization and emancipation.


The topic of this project is on, the role of women in co-operative development.

(A case study of Mbaitoli L.G.A. Imo State)

As the case study entitles the research will be focusing my attention on roles of women in cooperative development with this interest that operates within its.

Could women render any services by organizing and belonging to marketing cooperative societies to sell their product.
A traditional organization in the village be used for promoting cooperative development.
Would registers co-operative movement give the women-ruralities provisions to get access of the credit facilities of the government.
Have women created any impact on development of the cooperative in local government area.

There are many reasons for the study of the roles of women for successful cooperative development in Mbaitoli local government area. One wings on the importance of a successful co-operative development to urban and rural dwellers. Another is purely the academic interest of knowing it the roles of women for a successful cooperative development have a positive in negative correlation. Such as evaluation to a greater extent, will help to determine if the objective have been achieved. It would be inventory to Findus it other inventory variable could influence performance when roles of women are effective.

Organization (cooperative societies) management committee registrars and policy formulator will gain a lot if they are aware of these variable roles that would be contributed by women towards cooperative development. This paper shall study the viable roles of women for a successful cooperative development in Mbaitoli local government area, since the recognition of the potentials of women in some many organizations with form. It will essentially focus on factors necessitating the low level of recognizing women’s roles towards cooperative development in Mbaitoli local government area has not recorded much on the development of cooperative by women folk. Hence this research may be constrained to use certain information based on the development of cooperative by her male counterparts men folk in the local government area Mbaitoli.


The researcher intends to go an extra- note to search, but due to time, lack of data and financial factor or problem and tight academic programme of the institute. But all is not lost, he researcher has able to get the desired information for this project topic.

FINANCE:- There was no fund to travel from one cooperative society to another. Besides, were fuel scarcity and transport fare was very high, this hundred the researchers movement.

LACK OF DATA:- The researcher has limited access to official records and statistical data relevant to this work.

TIME:- The researcher find it difficult to combine the researching work with academic work, such as assignment and quiz etc the to time constraints.


To faster the understanding on the topic “Role of women in cooperative development the following terms needs to be commonalty and precisely defined in order to avoid ambiguity.

Role -: The oxford Advanced learners dictionary of current English, As Hornby, from fourth editions says it is a meaning of functions that can be played by a person. The importance of something/somebody.
Women According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary:- It means an adult formal human being, it is goes further to say that is a female workers or women under the authority of somebody else.
In the biblical expression women is seen as the person her husband put confidence in and me will never be poor, that is as long as she live and dues him said without harming him. She keeps herself busy, making cool and linen cloth, she looks at hand and buy it with money, she has earned.

Co-operative:- This is a generic term meaning more than to work together with commoners. It is seen as an old concepts, in the sense that individuals live and share their problems. These likes labour exchange “Isusu” among others. Co-operative organization can be define as a group of persons who have potted themselves and their resources on self help, mutual, equitable and democratic basis to form a business enterprise which seeks to solve the socio-economic problem of its members by directly, providing them with goods and services in their double capacity as either owner/customers or owner (workers of the co-operative enterprise Umuabali and Mgbada (1997:214).
According to J.N.P co-operative society is a voluntary organization of free and independent persons for the betterment of the economic conditions.

Development:- According to the Advanced Learners Dictionary, it means the process action to develop or being develop, it stressed that development implies a new stage or event a new product or inventions.
According to (Geria 1989:10) development has to do with growth progress, and advancement toward better living. It has to do with every sector of the economy. It entails the meeting up with challenges like acceleration of economic growth rates eradicating absolute poverty, recluing inequality and creating more employment and productive opportunities before development could be achieved.


Ijere M.O (1987) “Educate the women for development

Ijere M.O “Indigenous social security as a Basis for future planning

The cause of Nigeria “Bullention of the international social security association 11-12 Geneva 1966: P.10).

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