• : Ms Word, Ms Word Format
  • : 70 Pages
  • : ₦5000
  • : 1-5 Chapters



This Fitness App is designed to help people improve their fitness using an app. This app has some basic functionality including gathering user details, example; name. weight, etc. This application consists of features like the walk counter which counts the number of steps a user takes. This dissertation also consists of the activity diagrams, application architecture, used cases and User Interface. The technologies used in the execution of this project are android studio as the IDE and Firebase for the database.


1.1     Overview

Since the rise and promotion of cell phones, numerous versatile applications that track and record information about their users have been made. The exemplary illustration of this is the pedometer which uses the cell phone's built-in accelerometer to track the number of steps the user requires every day. Applications in this class, that track, and record wellbeing or actions of their users are normally called Health/Wellness or Fitness Apps. These fitness Apps are intended to help the user in seeking after a solid way of life by urging them to perform positive exercises and improve their way of life. Variables that are commonly focused by such applications incorporate exercise, rest. Understanding the idea of this relationship is vital when planning a Fitness App. Applications like this can possibly propel its

Clients into keeping a pattern of positive way of life choices and additionally breaking a pattern of negative way of life choices. Diet, exercise and rest can impact a few physiological pathways related with depression and a bidirectional relationship probably exists among depression and these ways of life, in this manner making a possibly expanding pattern of impact.

1.2     Background and Motivation

Mobile phones are becoming increasingly significant tools; they are no longer confined to serving as a means of communication but are also capable of providing a wide range of modern technologies and services. Over the years, mobile technologies have grown in popularity; there have been various new studies and breakthroughs in this field. According to, In the United States, 68.7 million smartphone owners used at least one health or fitness app at least once each month in 2019. In the United States, 86.3 million people will use health or fitness applications in 2022, according to estimates. (US. fitness app users 2022 | Statista, 2021) The sector is growing in popularity, and consumers want to understand more about their own health and fitness levels without having to rely on a doctor or trainer to assess their progress. A combination of the expansion of the wearable tech industry and the expansion of the wellness movement has resulted in the proliferation of health and fitness apps. As a result, customers are increasingly turning to smartphone apps to assist them in maintaining their health and fitness.

The health and fitness market's needs as a challenge and the widespread use of smart phones to meet people's demands as an opportunity motivate us to create a mobile application solution.

  • Today, a growing number of people are transitioning from computer-based programs to mobile apps to save time and effort in completing many of their everyday tasks. Only a 33% increase has been witnessed in the whole mobile app sector.
  • The challenges of squandering data written on paper have necessitated the development of a new method to assist and save people's data

1.3     Statement of the Problem

There has been a rising level of interest in physical fitness and health among most people in the current period, and there are people who have a strong desire for it, but it may force them to time or place conditions on the sometimes unpredictability of a specific day for the exercise. Based on that initiative, a mobile application for fitness exercise was developed, allowing users to exercise in any location and at any time, removing the need for them to be disciplined in a given location or at a given time of day, and assisting them in calculating calories burned through sport exercise and being healthily.

1.4     Aim and Objectives

The main aim of this project is to develop an app to help improve the health of the user and achieve physical fitness by helping and motiving them to doing exercise and keeping track.


The objectives of this project are:

  • To motive the interest of health and physical fitness.
  • To create a connection between physical fitness and health in one application.
  • To develop an android application that allows users to use it at anytime and anywhere.

1.5     Significance of the Project

This project is significant for the following reason:


  1. With this application, users wouldn’t have to worry about having to find location or a specific time to exercise.
  2. The apps help user stay in fit.



1.6     Project Risks Assessment

Table 1: Project Risk Assessment

Inability to carry out research due to loss of

hardware/software resources


Be aware of and observe school IT security procedures

Secure Android mobile phone when not in use.


Loss of work due to equipment failure/loss Weekly data backups to hard drive
Software availability (Unavailability of API’s) Alternate API’s will be checked for. Identify software requirement in good time for possible

contentious software

Late delivery of hardware component Hardware requirement will be identified to order them in good time
Inadequate supervision Report to a higher authority
Health related Issues Report to the project management team



1.7     Scope/Project Organization

This project is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 introduces the project overview, the background. the aim & objective, the significance, the risk assessment and a general outline of the project. Chapter 2 contains the literature review and historical overview of the project. Chapter 3 consists of the methodology used. requirements, analysis and the design of the project. Chapter 4 reviews the implementation, testing and evaluation of the application.

Chapter 5 concludes the project,” examining the limitations and suggesting possible improvement to the application”.


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