Assessment Of Physical Distribution In The Performance Of An Organization

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This project work is centered on stock control as a measure for ensuring profitability in an organisation a case study of Kaduna refinery and Petroleum chemical. It begins with the first chapter that deals with the background of the study which gives brief introduction about the subject matter under study. Statement of problem which is the reason why the researcher under take the study to exploit such problem and come up with recommendation which will be beneficial to the organisation and entire society. Research question is drawn up which is in line with the objective of the research work to be open up to get veriables for questionnaires to be administered. Chapter two deals with the review of previous work carried out by other authors on a similar topic. Chapter three deals with the research methodology with research design correlation studies to establish the relationship between stock control and profitability. The study have a sample size of 50 which is 20% of the population of 250 drawn from materials management related department and the sample size selected randomly and questionnaire were administered to them for their response. The findings of the study show that stock control have relationship with the profitability of the organization. Thus it was concluded that stock control in KRPC is not properly carried out, because replenishment drive is not according to actual materials requirement. Therefore recommended that stock control unit should be established and the use of actual materials requirement should be the principle upon which material replenishment is carried out to ensure that materials are not hold in excess and also not.

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