5+ Unique Computer Science Final Year Project Ideas

5+ Unique Computer Science Final Year Project Ideas to Try Out

Are you a computer science student in your final year? Look no further! Get inspired by these 50+ project ideas from experts in the field of computer science.

Are you nearing the end of your computer science degree and looking for a project that will make use of all your hard-earned knowledge? If so, then look no further – we’ve compiled a list of 50+ inspiring computer science projects that are sure to get your creative juices flowing.

Computer-Aided Learning System for Detecting Students’ Absenteeism.

The goal of this project is to build a computer-aided learning system that accurately detects students’ absenteeism. The system should be able to detect students’ absences from school in real-time and send alerts to parents and teachers for follow-ups. Computer vision techniques along with pattern recognition algorithms can be used to develop a reliable detection system that can improve the attendance rate significantly.

Blockchain-Based Copy Detection System for Preventing Plagiarism.

Plagiarism is one of the major problems faced by universities today. One potential solution is to develop a blockchain-based copy detection system that allows teachers to efficiently identify plagiarism in student assignments without relying on external services. This project will involve building an efficient storage system for storing documents, implementing appropriate hashing and encryption algorithms for anonymity and security, and developing a custom decentralized application (DApp) to allow users to submit their assignments securely and track them in an immutable blockchain ledger.

Design and Development of an Intelligent Multi-Agent System for an Automated Online Shopping experience.

This project will involve the design and development of a multi-agent system that automates online shopping experiences. It will involve developing an intelligent agent for representing customers, collecting pertinent data about their preferences, managing multiple requests via automated negotiation techniques, and finally providing the most suitable deals to customers. The system should also be able to recommend related items, suggest discounts or sales bundles, or prioritize products based on preferences.

An Automated Network Analysis Tool for Proactive Identification of Data Security Breaches & Risks

This project will involve developing an automated network analysis tool that can be used to detect and identify data security breaches in a proactive manner. The tool should collect relevant data from different sources such as log files, application programs, and system processes so that potential risks and threats can be identified. An intelligent mechanism for analyzing the collected data should also be implemented, allowing the system to raise an alert when a potential threat is detected.

Smart Home Surveillance Systems with Motion Sensors, Smart Cameras and Automatic Emergency Alert Mechanisms. computer science final year projects

This project will focus on developing a network of smart home surveillance devices that can provide safety and security for homeowners. The system should be able to detect motion around the house using motion sensors and then trigger video capture from smart cameras. In cases where an emergency situation is detected, the system should be able to instantly send an alert to the homeowner or other designated persons via text message or email. hire a writer for projects, students, battery, database, algorithm

5+ Unique Computer Science Final Year Project Ideas. Get more computer science final year projects 


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