The four Ds of time management

The four Ds of time management

Here are the four Ds of time management to help you select and prioritize tasks:

  1. Do
    The first D is “do,” and it stands for completing tasks that only take a few minutes to finish. This strategy is a great way to complete small chores or tasks. Completing small tasks ensures you complete them before they can become a large inconvenience.

  2. Defer
    This means you can postpone tasks you don’t need to complete immediately. This doesn’t apply to small tasks, which fall under “do.” It applies to tasks that can take up a large part of your time. Abandoning your schedule to attend to new tasks can affect your focus and productivity. In contrast, following your schedule and prioritizing tasks based on their due date can have better results.

  3. Delegate
    Delegating involves sharing tasks with others if they are too many for you to complete in time. This works best with tasks that anyone can do effectively. You can also delegate tasks you feel you aren’t qualified to handle, or someone can handle better than you.

  4. Delete
    Delete involves removing unimportant tasks from your schedule to create time for relevant ones. First, go through your schedule and reflect on the importance of each item. Then, remove any item you know doesn’t add significant value, like needless meetings or calls. Once you remove the unimportant task from your schedule, you can use the space in your schedule for more relevant tasks.

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