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The concept of stewardship bears profound significance, reflecting the conscientious management of resources entrusted to a community of believers. This abstract explores the multifaceted role of stewardship within the church and its direct implications on growth. Stewardship, traditionally associated with responsible financial contributions, transcends monetary considerations to encompass the judicious use of time, talents, and environmental resources. Biblical narratives, such as the Parable of the Talents, underscore the mandate for faithful stewardship, illustrating the consequences of wise and purposeful resource management. Furthermore, the scriptural emphasis on sowing and reaping establishes a framework that aligns stewardship actions with a reciprocal harvest of growth within the church community. Beyond financial contributions, the conscientious application of individual talents and the responsible stewardship of time emerge as integral components, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.  The purpose of this research work is to assess the impact of stewardship on church growth. This research work shows that the church leader has a major role to play in church growth. He must therefore lead, guard, feed, equip, and love. Church leaders should lead with servant leadership, keep praying, keep the vision alive, and be change agents both to the congregation in particular and the entire community in general. The church leader must be a role model; a mirror through which everyone sees the leadership of Christ. The work also showed that church growth is not all about several worshippers alone, it is also determined by other factors or indices.  The research methods comprise historical and descriptive approaches. For library work, books, journals, the internet, and materials of biblical exegesis were used. The study ends with the researcher’s recommendation for Christians and further research work






  • Background of the Study

Stewardship, as a fundamental principle within the Christian faith, emphasizes the responsible management and utilisation of resources entrusted to individuals or communities. It encompasses the faithful stewardship of financial resources, material possessions, time, talents, and spiritual gifts. Stewardship is deeply rooted in biblical teachings and reflects the understanding that all things ultimately belong to God. Within the context of the church, stewardship plays a vital role in sustaining and advancing its mission and ministry. Therefore, understanding the impact of stewardship on church growth is of utmost importance.

Church growth refers to the increase in the size, spiritual vitality, and impact of a Christian church. It encompasses both numerical growth and qualitative growth. Numerical growth involves an increase in the number of members or attendees, while qualitative growth focuses on spiritual maturity, discipleship, and the church’s impact on the community. Church growth is a multifaceted concept influenced by various factors, including effective leadership, meaningful worship experiences, relevant programming, and engaged congregational participation. Stewardship practices, encompassing financial giving, time and talent contributions, and spiritual development, are among the factors that can significantly influence church growth.

Financial stewardship, a critical aspect of church stewardship, involves the faithful giving of financial resources to support the church’s ministries and mission. When church members embrace a mindset of generous and consistent financial giving, it provides the necessary resources for the church to carry out its work effectively. Financial stewardship facilitates the expansion of outreach efforts, the development of relevant programs, and the meeting of the needs of both members and the wider community. Additionally, time and talent stewardship plays a crucial role in church growth. When individuals actively contribute their skills, abilities, and time to serve within the church, it fosters a sense of ownership, engagement, and community. Volunteers contribute to the smooth functioning of various ministries, attracting new members and cultivating a welcoming environment (1 Peter 4:10; Romans 12:6-8).

Furthermore, spiritual stewardship, encompassing the nurturing of one’s spiritual life and the encouragement of spiritual growth in others, is closely linked to church growth. As individuals deepen their relationship with God, grow in their understanding of the Scriptures, and actively live out their faith, it creates an atmosphere of spiritual vitality within the church. This spiritual vibrancy inspires others, fosters discipleship, and deepens commitment to the church’s mission. Understanding the impact of stewardship on church growth requires a comprehensive assessment of the interplay between financial stewardship, time and talent stewardship, and spiritual stewardship. Such an assessment can provide valuable insights into the strategies and practices that contribute to the growth, vibrancy, and impact of the church community (Matthew 28:19-20; Ephesians 4:11-13).


Overall, comprehending the impact of stewardship on church growth is crucial for effective ministry and mission advancement. By exploring the various dimensions of stewardship, including financial, time and talent, and spiritual aspects, we can gain insights into how these practices influence the growth and development of the church community.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The contemporary landscape of religious institutions is marked by diverse challenges and opportunities. Churches, as vital components of spiritual communities, face the intricate task of not only sustaining their existence but also thriving and expanding in influence. Stewardship understood as the responsible and purposeful management of resources, has been a cornerstone of religious practice for centuries. In recent times, however, the dynamics of societal change, technological advancements, and shifting cultural paradigms have prompted a reassessment of the role and impact of stewardship on the growth of churches.

While the concept of stewardship is deeply embedded in religious teachings, there is a pressing need for strategic guidance on how churches can maximize their impact on growth. This research will not only identify challenges but will also propose strategies and best practices for optimizing stewardship efforts, thus contributing to the development of a roadmap for sustainable church growth.

This study recognizes the complexities within the intersection of stewardship and church growth. By exploring the lack of clarity on stewardship components, examining the ambiguity in the relationship between stewardship practices and growth indicators, addressing challenges in implementation, and providing strategic guidance, the research aims to contribute significantly to the understanding and enhancement of the impact of stewardship on the growth of churches.

1.3 Research Questions

This research seeks to address the following questions:

  • What are the key components of stewardship within the context of the church?
  • How do different stewardship practices contribute to the overall growth of a church?
  • What challenges do churches face in implementing effective stewardship programs?
  • What strategies can churches employ to enhance the impact of stewardship on their growth?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this research are as follows:

  • To analyze the components of stewardship within the context of the church.
  • To assess the impact of various stewardship practices on church growth.
  • To identify challenges faced by churches in implementing effective stewardship programs.
  • To propose strategies for enhancing the impact of stewardship on church growth.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it will contribute to the existing body of knowledge by providing empirical evidence on the impact of stewardship on church growth. This evidence will be valuable for church leaders, church leaders, and scholars seeking to understand the dynamics of stewardship and its relationship to church growth.

Secondly, the findings of this study can serve as a guide for church leaders and church leaders in developing strategies and programs that promote effective stewardship practices within their congregations. By understanding the factors that influence stewardship and church growth, church leaders can implement targeted interventions to enhance these areas.

Finally, this research can also benefit individual church members by raising awareness of the importance of stewardship and its potential impact on their personal spiritual growth. It can encourage individuals to become more actively involved in stewardship activities and empower them to make meaningful contributions to their church communities.

1.6 Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1; there is no significant difference in the opinions of males and females in respect of church stewardship among the Foursquare Gospel Church, Morogbo in Lagos State.

Hypothesis 2: There is no significant difference between the opinions of married and single members of Foursquare Gospel Church, Morogbo as regards the effects of church stewardship and the growth of the church in Lagos State

1.7 Delimitation of the Study

This research focuses on churches of various denominations and sizes, with an emphasis on understanding the impact of stewardship practices on growth. The study will consider financial stewardship, time and talent stewardship, and other related aspects within the church setting. This study focused on Foursquare Gospel church, Morogbo, Lagos State, Nigeria.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Church: The church is the congregation of the saints; a church is the gathering of the called-out ones. An assembly of the children of God to worship God.

Growth: In the context of this research, growth is in all ramifications of the Christian experience. It can be numerical, spiritual, in love, in giving, in living a holy life, and in every facet of Christian ways of living as expected by God. Growth can occur as a stage of maturation or a process toward the fullness of fulfillment.

Church Growth: The measurable increase in the size, influence, and impact of a church, including but not limited to numerical growth in the congregation, expansion of programmes, and community outreach.

Stewardship: The responsible management and utilisation of resources, including financial, time, and talent resources, within the context of the church

Financial Stewardship: The careful and accountable management of financial resources within the church, including donations, tithes, and offerings.

Time and Talent Stewardship: The responsible use of members’ time and talents for the betterment of the church community and its mission.


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