A Framework for Procuring Facilities Management Services for Public Buildings in FCT-Abuja

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A Framework for Procuring Facilities Management Services for Public Buildings in FCT-Abuja


Determining the optimal balance between in-house and outsourced solutions presents challenges due to the inherent advantages and disadvantages of each approach. This research evaluates the appropriateness of in-house versus outsourcing strategies for procuring facilities management (FM) services in public buildings, with the aim of establishing a decision-making framework for FM practitioners in Abuja. Employing a mixed-methods research design, the study involved the distribution of 122 structured questionnaires and conducted semi-structured interviews with ten members of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) within the Abuja metropolis.

The findings highlight the primary drivers for in-house FM service delivery, including cost reduction, enhanced performance standards, and improved customer orientation. Conversely, the key motivations for outsourcing FM services encompass heightened service quality, improved performance standards, and enhanced responsiveness and efficiency. The research also identifies prominent barriers to in-house service delivery as financial limitations and customer demands, while for outsourcing, hindrances stem from inadequate comprehension of sustainability concerns and a lack of requisite tools.

Key factors instrumental in formulating the FM services procurement framework encompass the 11 core competencies of FM, such as occupancy and human factors, operations and maintenance, sustainability, facility information and technology management, risk management, communication, performance and quality, leadership and strategy, real estate, project management, and finance and business. Additional determinants encompass the presence of trained facility managers, emerging technologies, management methodologies, and cost considerations.

Consequently, the framework for FM services procurement necessitates a coherent policy framework encompassing policy statements, methodological guidelines, resource allocation strategies, governmental policies related to facility maintenance, facility mapping, and performance measurement protocols for FM service providers. Thus, the research emphasizes that strategic functions are more suitable for in-house execution, while operational functions align with outsourcing practices. For effective development and operation of both in-house and outsourcing approaches, top management committees should proactively address financial, technical, and stakeholder constraints. The study’s outcomes provide valuable insights to guide decision-making regarding the appropriate allocation of FM services for in-house provision versus outsourcing within public organizations.

A Framework for Procuring Facilities Management Services for Public Buildings in FCT-Abuja,  GET MORE, ACTUARIAL SCIENCE PROJECT TOPICS AND MATERIALS

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