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This research explores the use of mixed media in contemporary visual art installations. Mixed media refers to the combination of different artistic materials, techniques, and mediums within a single artwork. The aim of this study is to delve into the nature, techniques, and impact of mixed media in art installations, with a particular focus on the production of metal art works using copper and brass as the main supports. Contemporary visual art has evolved significantly over the past few decades, with artists increasingly experimenting with mixed media to create innovative and engaging installations. This research project aims to explore the multifaceted nature of mixed media in contemporary art installations, delving into its historical context, artistic techniques, impact on audience engagement, and future possibilities. By analyzing a diverse range of artworks and engaging with both artists and audiences, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of mixed media in shaping the contemporary art landscape.



1.1 Background to the Study

Art practice has over the centuries seen numerous revolutions. Ideologies, philosophies and techniques in producing art works have undergone tremendous changes. The use of a combination of materials and sometimes production techniques in a single work of art is one practice that is really fascinating. This is termed mixed media art.

The field of contemporary visual art installations has witnessed significant evolution over the years. Artists constantly seek innovative ways to express their ideas and engage viewers in unique and compelling experiences. One approach that has gained prominence in recent times is the use of mixed media in art installations. Mixed media refers to the combination of different artistic materials, techniques, and mediums within a single artwork. This enables artists to explore new possibilities, break traditional boundaries, and create visually captivating and conceptually rich installations. The use of mixed media in art installations has its roots in the early 20th century, with movements such as Dada and Surrealism embracing the concept of combining diverse materials and techniques. However, it was during the latter half of the 20th century and into the 21st century that mixed media installations truly flourished. Artists began to experiment with a wide range of materials, including found objects, digital media, sound, video, and performance elements, to create multidimensional and multisensory experiences for viewers.

One of the pioneers of mixed media installations was Joseph Beuys, whose work in the 1960s and 1970s incorporated a diverse range of materials, including felt, fat, and animal remnants. His installations often blurred the lines between sculpture, performance, and conceptual art, challenging traditional notions of artistic practice. Since then, numerous artists have embraced mixed media in their installations, each bringing their unique artistic vision and approach to the medium. Artists like Olafur Eliasson, Pipilotti Rist, and Bill Viola have gained international recognition for their innovative use of mixed media, creating immersive environments that blur the boundaries between reality and fiction, and engage viewers on both a visual and emotional level.

The rise of mixed media installations can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, advancements in technology have opened up new possibilities for artists to incorporate digital elements, interactive components, and multimedia projections into their installations. This has enabled artists to create dynamic and engaging experiences that go beyond what traditional mediums can offer. Secondly, the use of mixed media allows artists to explore complex themes and concepts by combining disparate materials and techniques. It allows for a multidimensional approach to storytelling, enabling artists to convey layers of meaning and evoke various emotions within a single artwork.

Furthermore, mixed media installations have challenged the traditional notion of the artwork as a static object. By incorporating elements of performance, sound, and audience interaction, artists have transformed installations into immersive environments that invite viewers to actively engage with the artwork and become participants in the artistic experience. Given the growing prevalence and significance of mixed media in contemporary visual art installations, there is a need for a comprehensive exploration of this artistic approach. This research seeks to delve into the historical context, motivations, techniques, and impact of mixed media in art installations, providing valuable insights for artists, curators, and scholars interested in this evolving field of artistic practice.


1.2 Statement of Problem

Contemporary visual art installations have increasingly embraced the use of mixed media as a means of artistic expression. While this approach offers immense creative possibilities, it also presents several challenges and raises important questions. This research aims to address these issues and provide insights into the use of mixed media in contemporary art installations. One of the primary problems this research seeks to address is the need to explore the various techniques, materials, and mediums employed in mixed media art installations. The combination of different artistic elements within a single artwork presents unique challenges in terms of material compatibility, technical execution, and conceptual cohesion. By analyzing case studies and engaging with artists and practitioners, this research will identify common practices and innovative approaches employed in mixed media installations. This knowledge will not only contribute to the technical repertoire of artists but also provide valuable insights for curators and exhibition organizers seeking to create immersive and visually compelling experiences for viewers. By addressing these problems, this research will contribute to the field of contemporary visual art installations by providing a comprehensive understanding of the use of mixed media. It will offer artists, curators, and scholars valuable insights, technical knowledge, and critical perspectives that can inform and enrich their practices, exhibitions, and academic discourse.

Research Aim and Objectives

The aim of this research is to explore the use of mixed media in contemporary visual art installations. The objectives of this study are as follows:

  • Explore the nature of mixed media art: This objective involves examining the theoretical and conceptual foundations of mixed media art, understanding its historical development, and identifying key characteristics and techniques associated with the use of mixed media in art installations.
  • Design and produce metal art works using mixed media: This objective involves the practical application of mixed media techniques in the creation of metal art works. The research aims to explore the integration of non-traditional metal art media such as wood, leather, paint, foam, and lagging into copper and brass supports.
  • Appreciate the works produced: This objective involves the critical evaluation and appreciation of the metal art works produced using mixed media. The research aims to analyze the visual impact, conceptual depth, and aesthetic qualities of the artworks.
    • Significance of the Study

This research is significant for several reasons. Firstly, it contributes to the existing body of knowledge on contemporary visual art installations by focusing specifically on the use of mixed media. By examining the historical context and motivations behind this artistic approach, the study sheds light on the evolution of art practices and the role of mixed media in pushing boundaries in the field.

Secondly, the research provides valuable insights into the techniques, materials, and mediums employed in mixed media art installations. This knowledge can be beneficial for artists seeking to experiment with new forms of expression and expand their creative horizons.

Furthermore, understanding the impact of mixed media on the viewer’s experience and engagement with art installations is crucial for curators and exhibition organizers. By exploring the effects of mixed media on audience perception and interpretation, curators can create more immersive and thought-provoking exhibition spaces.

1.5 Scope and Limitations

The scope of this research is limited to the production of metal art works using mixed media, with a particular focus on copper and brass as the main supports. The study aims to explore the integration of non-traditional metal art media, such as wood, leather, paint, foam, and lagging, into the artworks. By focusing on these specific materials, the research seeks to investigate the unique artistic possibilities and challenges that arise when combining different materials within a metal art context. While the research primarily centers on the production of metal art works, it also encompasses a broader exploration of mixed media art installations. The theoretical and conceptual aspects of mixed media art will be examined to provide a comprehensive understanding of the nature and significance of this artistic approach. Additionally, the critical evaluation and appreciation of the produced metal art works will contribute to the overall understanding of mixed media installations from an audience perspective.


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